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saa7130 dirives install?

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    saa7130 dirives install?

    I have a TV card that uses saa7130 driver the main problem is that when I use Kubuntu Breezy works perfectly that because kernel 2.6.14 can mount drivers well, but when you upgrade to Dapper, you have the problem that kernel 2.6.15 can't identify this cards so after reading an searching by the net I'vefound that you have to configure the kernel drivers manually, but it's vary difficult.

    I wonder if anybody know how to do that?, and explain me step by step plaease, I would be glad.

    Re: saa7130 dirives install?

    Hello, I have the same card and I am using Kubuntu too, could you please tell me if and how did you get it work? Thanks a lot.


      Re: saa7130 dirives install?

      I could finally solve the problem all you have to do is this:

      1.- rmmod saa7134_alsa
      2.- rmmod saa7134
      3.- modprobe saa7134 card=42* tuner=2*
      (*You have to choose the correct card an tuner)

      or add this line in /etc/modules.d/options

      options saa7134 card=42 tuner=2

