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USB storage devices fail to automount

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    USB storage devices fail to automount

    Under Breezy Badger, media loaded into the external Plextor DVD writer routinely automounted. So too did a USB memory stick.

    Neither automounts under Dapper.

    After upgrading to Dapper, a new icon automagically appeared on the desktop pointing to an old (and misbehaving) DVD writer on /dev/hdc. Media inserted into it are not automounted.

    According to dmesg, all these devices are correctly recognized.

    I could not find the Canonical press release I had read last week while out of town. It contained "pain-free" instructions to reset the Breezy upgrade process to load dapper packages. Instead I did a straightforward replace of "breezy" with "dapper" in /etc/apt/sources.list.

    Re: USB storage devices fail to automount

    I have exactly the same problem.

    I have an external USB HD used for backing up & have an internal multicard reader, all worked perfect under Hoary & Breezy.

    Now after upgrading to Dapper they don't work.

    I'm really stuck now so any help appreciated.

    By the way, I have upgraded my laptop from Breezy to Dapper & this auto mounts fine. I'm transfering some photos as I'm writing this.

    Just to add - What a great distro, love the new Dapper - Fast & looks great - I did prefer the boot up & login graphics of Breezy though.


      Re: USB storage devices fail to automount

      Well, if anyone succeeds with mounting they could tell me too how to do this.
      I'm having problems with mounting Creative MuVo TX :P
      (Running under Dapper)


        Re: USB storage devices fail to automount

        i have the same problem (it worked great under breezy but stopped to work when i upgrade kde) and then under dapper same pb.... i have look to several things but i don't understand this downward.

        if anyone solved this it would help, i have seen lots of post on other forum for this problem.

        for information : when i plug my key it comes on the desktop, then i have a choice box (open with konqueror...) and i can also do a right clic to mount the key everything is fine. but it's easier to plug and automount ;-)



          Re: USB storage devices fail to automount

          Are the devices you want automounted connected when you boot? If so, then take a look at your fstab file (/etc/fstab) to make sure that you don't have the noauto option listed.

          If you're plugging them in after you've booted, I think you need to change the ivman config file to set up the automatic booting (look in /etc/ivman/).

          The ivman file is difficult to configure, though, so you should read about it before giving it a try.


            Re: USB storage devices fail to automount

            my devices are not plugged after the boot, in fact i have configured ivman as "mount everything" same rules as under breezy.... but this does not work.


              Re: USB storage devices fail to automount

              I upgraded from Breezy to Dapper some weeks before the official release, replacing "breezy" with "dapper" in sources.list, then "update" and "dist-upgrade". After this, I had the same problems described above with automounting etc, particularly USB camera and stick.

              What I realized had happened, after reading the discussion in this thread, is that the upgrade process completely left out ivman daemon and hal (they were pherhaps removed from the Breezy release and not re-installed in the dist-upgrade, since there were ivman configuration files left over from Breezy). This might be due to the "early" upgrade before official release, but when the official was out, updating packages didn't change the situation.

              After installing ivman package using adept, which pulls in 3 other as dependencies, I was finally able, without the need to play with (for me) obscure configuration files, to have the desired functionality back as expected and plainly working.

              Hope this can be of help.


                Re: USB storage devices fail to automount

                thanks kubric, ivman was in fact not installed (hope) so i did as you say through adept... but i only came with one package.. i start ivman from the command line (as root as user) but nothing happened

                i checked also that my user was part of udevplug - i also did an dpkg-reconfigure for ivman, dbus,udev

                but nothing alas nothing..... i still get this "xp option" box and nothing more

                do you think a bug in launchpad is suitable?


                  Re: USB storage devices fail to automount

                  looks like the common thread here is all were upgraded, not a fresh install.

                  Thats why i always do a new install when the final release is available, there are to many things that can go wrong doing upgrades. All my usb devices are available and are in fstab.



                    Re: USB storage devices fail to automount

                    i have done both (upgrade from dapper beta / update from breezy / fresh install) on three different computer and i have the same pb.


                      Re: USB storage devices fail to automount

                      I had the same problem as some of you did also with my USB sticks. And Ivman was also left out after doing a dist-upgrade. I only had to grab ivman from the repos and said yes to overwrite the old config file, then did a dpkg-reconfigure for ivman.

                      My USB drives seems to work great now. Thanks to everyone who pointed out some tips for doing this.

