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Epson 4490 Scanner installation

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    Epson 4490 Scanner installation

    I am running 6.06 Dapper Drake

    I am trying to get my Epson 4490 scanner working with xsane and iscan. I have had help from a friend with more kowledge than me but have exausted this as well.

    I have done the following:
    Installed sane, sane-utils, xsane, xsane-common.
    Downloaded iscan and the appropriate plugin, converted to .deb using alien and installed.
    Changed the firmware line in "etc/sane.d/snapscan.conf" to "/usr/share/iscan/esfw52.bin" .
    Added the scanner to the same file - 0x04b8 0x0119 .
    I have commented out "scsi epson" in "etc/sane.d/epson.conf"
    I have commented out "scsi epson" in "etc/sane.d/epkowa.conf"
    I have added "epkowa" to "etc/sane.d/dll.conf"

    I now have xsane on the K Menu Graphics section and have added iScan.
    Neither program can find the scanner.
    If I open the programmes from the command line using kdesu, the prorammes open and find the scanner suggesting a permissions problem.

    Using "sane-find-scanner", the scanner is located at "libusb:004:002"
    Using command "chmod 0666 /proc/bus/usb/004/002" hasn't worked either.

    Ran sudo "scanimage -L" which shows the scanner. Running not as sudo shows nothing, suggesting scanner is root but not normal user.

    In a Sane read me ( is information relating to this that recommends modifications to "/etc/udev/rules.d/45-libsane.rules" .
    I have added
    "# Epson Corp.|Perfection 4490 (GT-X750)
    SYSFS{idVendor}=="04b8", SYSFS{idProduct}=="0119", MODE="664", GROUP="scanner" "

    This is where I have run out of help and knowledge and am heading for copious quantites of Gin & Tonic or other libations.

    There is an instruction in the header of the file as follows:
    "To run a script when your scanner is plugged in, add RUN="/path/to/script" to the appropriate rule"

    Can someone be kind enough to help me out here and tell me what to add in simple terms that even I can understand? Also have I done anything daft in the foregoing that would prevent the scanner working with the software?

    One other thing. Regrettably I have to say that the Epson proprietary software for Windows is actually very good. Would it run under WINE?


    Peter Randall

    Re: Epson 4490 Scanner installation

    Yes, I,m going to reply to my own post. The Gin and Tonic Worked!!

    To make the scanner work all I needed to do was add the Command RUN="/path/to/script", in front of the line starting SYSFS.

    i was expecting to substitute terms in this command. Tried it as stated and it works! Things are sometimes simpler than you think.

    Still need to experiment with WINE and the proprietary software as it is excellent for work with slides and negatives.

    Chin Chin...................


      Re: Epson 4490 Scanner installation

      Originally posted by Peter Randall
      Yes, I,m going to reply to my own post. The Gin and Tonic Worked!!
      Persistence works, and yes, so does a good T&G! Like any machine, in order to ensure that it continues to work, you need to oil it now and then. I too, have found that a G&T helps to lubricate the mind!
      Windows no longer obstructs my view.
      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


        Re: Epson 4490 Scanner installation

        I'm lost here, I'm using Kubuntu for the first time and I have an epson 4490 scanner, I've tried following directions and downloaded iscan - 2.8.0 - 1.c2.i386.rpm
        I have that file sitting on my desktop. when i try to extract it I get a message it exists. So I think it is installed. yet xsane or kooka can't find my scanner what did I miss. I am not a programmer so pls be gentle.

