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Help writing to new SATA drive

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    Help writing to new SATA drive

    I am running Kubuntu v6.06 on a Pentium 4 computer with 1Gb of memory and a 30Gb IDE drive. I have recently installed a 200Gb SATA drive for data storage. But I cannot write to this drive except as root.

    Here is what I did--
    1. Using GPARTED as boot disk, partitioned a VFAT and a EXT3 partition, both 200Mb, on the SATA disk, as a test.
    2. Under Kubuntu the VFAT partition appeared as SDA1 and the EXT2 partition appeared as SDA2.
    3. Edited /etc/fstab to add the following lines at the end of the file--
    /dev/sda1 /media/vfat auto rw,user,noauto 0 0
    /dev/sda2 /media/sata auto rw,user,noauto 0 2
    4. Created the following directories in /media for mount points--
    5. Rebooted computer; partitions did NOT mount automatically, but DID mount when I clicked on their icons.
    6. The permissions on the IDE drive where Kubuntu is installed is as follows:
    Owner: Can view and modify content
    Group: Can view content
    Others: Can view content
    7. The User and Group of the / volume are root.
    8. The permissions, User, and Group on the SATA drive are the same as the IDE drive above.
    9. The /etc/fstab entry for the system disk is
    /dev/hda1 / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1

    The problem I am encountering is this--
    1. I cannot copy/save [write] to the SATA disk as my user login.
    2. I cannot drag-and-drop or cut-and-paste as my user login.
    3. I can do the following as root--
    a. cd /media/sata
    b. sudo cp /home/<username>/<filename> .
    c. the permissions [-rw-r--r--] of the file successfully written to the SATA disk remain the same but the owner/group change from <username>/<username> to root/root in /media/sata.

    It appears that I need to change something in the /etc/fstab entry for the SATA drive to be able to write to it as user.

    Someone help me out, please.

    Re: Help writing to new SATA drive

    You may try the following set of options (replacing "rw,user,noauto"):

    - VFAT: auto,users,rw,umask=000
    - EXT3: auto,users,rw


      Re: Help writing to new SATA drive

      Thanks for the suggestion, UnicornRider, but that didn't work.

      I did not change the options on the fstab entry for the vfat partition since that is working fine. It loads under WinXP as drive E: and I can read and write to that partition with no problem. I can edit the entry to automatically mount that partition if I decide to do so.

      I did change the options on the fstab entry for the ext3 partition and rebooted, but I got the same response as before: Access denied. Could not write to /media/sata/<filename>

      It did automatically mount the partition for me, though.

      Any other suggestsions?


        Re: Help writing to new SATA drive

        Originally posted by decatur-linux
        the vfat partition [...] is working fine
        Which, in turn, means that not the SATA drive but one of the partitions is causing trouble.

        Originally posted by decatur-linux
        Access denied. Could not write to /media/sata/<filename>
        Then let us have a look at the mount process and mount point for that specific partition ...

        [sudo] more /etc/fstab | grep sda2
        [sudo] more /etc/mtab | grep sda2
        [sudo] ls -l /media | grep sata


          Re: Help writing to new SATA drive

          Here are the results of the commands you suggested--

          george@Omega:~$ sudo more /etc/fstab | grep sda2
          /dev/sda2 /media/sata auto auto,users,rw 0 2

          george@Omega:~$ sudo more /etc/mtab | grep sda2
          /dev/sda2 /media/sata ext3 rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev 0 0

          george@Omega:~$ sudo ls -l /media | grep sata\
          drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 2007-07-20 15:35 sata

          Thanks so much for your help.


            Re: Help writing to new SATA drive

            Originally posted by decatur-linux
            george@Omega:~$ sudo ls -l /media | grep sata\
            drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 2007-07-20 15:35 sata
            Which means that root is the only user allowed to write to the mount point (read: file system).
            You may try to change this misbehaviour e.g. by issuing sudo chmod 777 /media/sata ... (?).


              Re: Help writing to new SATA drive

              Thanks, UnicornRider, running the chmod command did the trick. I can now drag-and-drop and save-as to the sata partition. However, looking at the complete listing of /media [see below] I noted how the cdrom and floppy are set up, with the link to the device having full permission, while the device itselft is limited, if I am reading it right. I may try something like that with my SATA drive.

              george@Omega:/media$ ls -l
              total 16
              lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6 2006-07-16 01:56 cdrom -> cdrom0
              drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2006-07-16 01:56 cdrom0
              lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 2006-07-16 01:56 floppy -> floppy0
              drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2006-07-16 01:56 floppy0
              drwxrwxrwx 3 root root 4096 2007-07-24 09:30 sata
              drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2007-07-19 20:09 vfat

              Thanks again for your help.


                Re: Help writing to new SATA drive

                Originally posted by decatur-linux
                I may try something like that
                What for? A link is only a link (read: merely "forwarding" requests).

