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nvidia-glx on drapper 6.06.1 using Kubuntu

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    nvidia-glx on drapper 6.06.1 using Kubuntu

    I changed this, it sounded to harsh and I did not want it to sound that way.

    Mainly after I installed the nvidia-glx I had to edit the/etc/X11/xorg.conf but when I tried the command with kdesu kate binaryhowtoNvidia this is the message result

    main@PC2:~$ kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf
    X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 154
    Major opcode: 143
    Minor opcode: 3
    Resource id: 0x0
    Failed to open device
    X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 154
    Major opcode: 143
    Minor opcode: 3
    Resource id: 0x0
    Failed to open device

    The editor nano is ok but I could never fine a save file anywhere so I could never save it I got changed with but kate crashed. the odd think is after i got the nivida splash screen and tried a gl game it works if you either restart x or shut down the PC hangs it seems and the only way to get it to boot again is to press the restart button. something got messed up and I do not know what this is the first time I even tried the Nvidia driver and I could have did something wrong but I followed the doc to the tee. I did notice the I had the restricted-modules installed and I updated them before I installed the driver I may reinstall and not update them and see if this changes anything. I don't know if this is a kde
    problem since it's 3.5 I think and I am going to try just ubuntu and see if this happens with Gnome desktop. But I know me I most likely missed something

    Re: nvidia-glx on drapper 6.06.1 using Kubuntu

    the way i got the nvidia drivers to work was to install the nvidia-legacy drivers
    restart the system
    which will bring you to the command prompt

    at the prompt write
    sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg

    when this has completed restart
    then install the nvidia glx drivers
    (which will un-install the legacy drivers but leave some part of them on the system)

    once the GLX drivers are installed open a konsole and write
    sudo nvidia-glx-config enable

    this will generate a checksum within the konsole
    copy and paste this check sum

    on restart the drivers will have been enabled

    it seems a long winded way around but this was the only way that i found the drivers to work ...


      Re: nvidia-glx on drapper 6.06.1 using Kubuntu

      just d/l the drivers from kill X and run thr .run file done

