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Basic fatalities in kUbuntu?

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    Basic fatalities in kUbuntu?

    6.06 LTS kUbuntu didn't see and iconize my Floppy, cd-writer and extra harddisk on the desktop. It found only my DVD-drive.

    Took some manual labor with fstab, /media catalog and then copying to desktop, then change of icons.

    Not really what you want to see, when you are trying to convince your friends, that Linux can replace MS Windows.

    How come this is not perfect by now in kUbuntu?

    Re: Basic fatalities in kUbuntu?

    I have installed various versions of linux on many, many machines and it always creates an icon for these devices. Linux is not something you want to try to sell to anyone as it is too different from Windows and requires many months of relearning an operating system which most people do not care to do. Linux is a good solution business wise for servers and in some situations a business desktop/laptop. Other than that regular people do not want to be fiddling with a terminal and scripts. They rather deal with spyware and viruses and hope for the best.


      Re: Basic fatalities in kUbuntu?

      Originally posted by Thulemanden
      Not really what you want to see, when you are trying to convince your friends, that Linux can replace MS Windows.

      How come this is not perfect by now in kUbuntu?
      Perfection is impossible to achieve.

      This is not usually a problem is most install, but as always it just plain impossible to test all the hardware in all the possible configurations. So you are always taking some risk with linux.

      BTW, I have seen Windows advocates computers crashing right on the face of people doing windows praising . It was not windows fault, but a broken sate controller, but given the bad reputation of windows stability most of the people there just get their misconceptions strengthened.



        Re: Basic fatalities in kUbuntu?

        i have my devices added to the home folder ...

        r/click > create new > link to device

        i use that to get too use my cd-rom drives and floppy disk drive ...


          Re: Basic fatalities in kUbuntu?

          why not just add the storage and media tool to the panel



            Re: Basic fatalities in kUbuntu?

            i have that on the task bar but i cant mount or unmount the drives
            but with the devices loaded into the home folder i can
            i can also use them to open & close the CD drives ...

