I love Kmail very much but still struggling to make it live with my corporate MS Office365 account - it dies unexpectedly, looses authentication (we have 2FA in use), I can't get access to corporate GAL and so on including less critical but still annoying issues. Any suggestions to make it more stable and usable at all? Now I still forced to turn to Evolution from time to time which lacks some features I like in Kmail but works with EWS like a charm though.
I love Kmail very much but still struggling to make it live with my corporate MS Office365 account - it dies unexpectedly, looses authentication (we have 2FA in use), I can't get access to corporate GAL and so on including less critical but still annoying issues. Any suggestions to make it more stable and usable at all? Now I still forced to turn to Evolution from time to time which lacks some features I like in Kmail but works with EWS like a charm though.