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Kmail not showing unsubscribed folder from Gmail

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    Kmail not showing unsubscribed folder from Gmail

    I was using Gnome since last 8 months, and then i switched to KDE for a change. For email I like the Kmail very much, but I am facing one issue.

    When setting it up for the first time, the Gmail account through IMAP showed all folders. Then while testing the setting for subscribed folders, I unsubscribed from SPAM, All Mail and Trash folders. It was in the manage Local subscription dialog box.

    Now when I went back to subscribe the folders again, I could not see these folders in the dialog box. It is showing only subscribed folders which are already checked. No unsubscribed folders are displayed in the folder tree.

    To fix this issue, I tried clearing the Akonadi server local data in ".local/share" and ".config" folder, deleted all ".cache" folder files, and removed Kmail data in ".config". But no success.

    I also tried to uninstall the Kmail and installed again after cleaning all data as described above and restarting the system.

    But again when I added the Gmail account it was showing the same subscribed folder list as it was after unsubscribing the folders. I am unable to find the location from where it is reading this list.

    If anyone can help me find the location where I can change this simple setting, it will be great. I understand that all settings are saved in the local system in one or other file, and I was hoping that it will fix the issue. But looks like Kmail local subscription data is stored somewhere else, I am not able to figure out.

    Thank you.
    Last edited by rajkt; Mar 05, 2019, 11:34 PM. Reason: Solved the problem

    Voila, I wrote this thread after checking everything in the setting and trying all options I could think of, according to my experience. But after just posting this thread I solved this issue, unknowingly.

    What I did - Opened the Manage the local subscription folder dialog again. And then unchecked one more folder inside "[Gmail]" folder., and then checked it again to avoid loosing it. And clicked on OK. And to my surprise the email account folder list refreshed and loaded all folders again, even the unsubscribed ones.

    I am not sure what happened, or what I was doing wrong. but now it worked, but it is weird.


      Hi rajkt

      I apologize that someone did not reply for rapidly to your situation.

      However, Kmail has a very looooonnnggg history of problems and I have posted replies and fixes to a lot of them.

      One new problem that has arisen is that for an absotively latest greates iteration of Kmail there is now a "window" that appears for Gmail that says that "the app is authorized / designated " to work with Gmail.

      I have seen this and another poster has commented upon it.

      Curiously, if one just "clicks the x" then Gmail works just

      You did a GOOD thing in clearing Akonadai, etc. etc. and that indicates that you seem to be a "problem solver" since you are new to KDE from Gnome and KDE is heavily dependent on the Akonadai, depending on what one wishes to do, if one does not do "mail" or other stuff that needs it then it can be effectively ignored. And example being that if one has a corporate e-mail system and goes "onto the net" to do e-mail or if one has a "paid" Google account and does not need the Kmail client then ... Akonadai can be relatively benignly ignored.

      But this comment is more about YOU as opposed to Akonadai

      I hope that your being able to solve your own problem, even if you do not know specifically HOW, might encourage you to be a regular contributor to these "better than toast and jam" forums and OS and that you will pop back in to visit or comment on things like your favourite music or if you have an especially tweaked desktop maybe using CONKY or whatever.

      Again, I apologize for someone not replying more quickly.


