I was attempting an upgrade to the new 18.10 LTS version of Kubuntu through konsole. In the process, I was asked if I need the packages which are unneeded to be deleted. There were three options: Y, N, and Details. I choose "Details", but didn't know how to get back after the list came to the foreground, so I hit the combination ctrl+z, that terminated the whole process. While I was trying to get back to the process through the "fg" command, the konsole closed unexpectedly and now I can't even reboot my system because of a problem with ksmserver-logout-greeter...
I did a REISUB reboot and after that When I get into grub I saw this:
Ubuntu, with Linux 4.18.0-10-generic
Ubuntu, with Linux 4.18.0-10-generic (recovery mode)
Ubuntu, with Linux 4.15.0-38-generic
Ubuntu, with Linux 4.15.0-38-generic (recovery mode)
I tried the both "recovery mode" versions, but when I attempt the "Repair broken packages" option I've received this message:
Sounds bad to me..
Any idea how to get back at the upgrading process without any bad consequences?
I was attempting an upgrade to the new 18.10 LTS version of Kubuntu through konsole. In the process, I was asked if I need the packages which are unneeded to be deleted. There were three options: Y, N, and Details. I choose "Details", but didn't know how to get back after the list came to the foreground, so I hit the combination ctrl+z, that terminated the whole process. While I was trying to get back to the process through the "fg" command, the konsole closed unexpectedly and now I can't even reboot my system because of a problem with ksmserver-logout-greeter...
I did a REISUB reboot and after that When I get into grub I saw this:
Ubuntu, with Linux 4.18.0-10-generic
Ubuntu, with Linux 4.18.0-10-generic (recovery mode)
Ubuntu, with Linux 4.15.0-38-generic
Ubuntu, with Linux 4.15.0-38-generic (recovery mode)
I tried the both "recovery mode" versions, but when I attempt the "Repair broken packages" option I've received this message:
HTML Code: /lib/recovery-mode/recovery-menu: line 80: /etc/default/rcS: No such file or directory ^[[C^[[D Reading cache Can not upgrade Your python install is corrupted. Please fix the '/usr/bin/python' symlink.
Any idea how to get back at the upgrading process without any bad consequences?