Solved: see second edit
I have a color scheme which applies to all qt applications. But I can make exceptions for particular applications by creating an rc file for that application in ~/.config or by modifying an existing rc file.
For example, I can modify ~/.config/katerc or create ~/.config/kcalcrc to tweak selected visual aspects of those applications.
However, I can't do that for LibreOffice Writer. I am using VCL: kde5.
The file I created was libreofficerc. But it has no effect:
The reason for wanting a different color for text highlighted when I search in a document is simply better contrast. Sometimes I search for even a single character. I don't want to change my LibreOffice internal color scheme and that scheme doesn't seem to have any internal way to do what I want.
In the image below, I'd like the background of the highlighted ">" to be more contrasty.
Edit: I also tried sofficerc and libreoffice-writerrc. No joy.
Second Edit: there's already soffice.binrc. Modifying that works!
I have a color scheme which applies to all qt applications. But I can make exceptions for particular applications by creating an rc file for that application in ~/.config or by modifying an existing rc file.
For example, I can modify ~/.config/katerc or create ~/.config/kcalcrc to tweak selected visual aspects of those applications.
However, I can't do that for LibreOffice Writer. I am using VCL: kde5.
The file I created was libreofficerc. But it has no effect:
[Colors:Selection] BackgroundNormal=193,129,0
In the image below, I'd like the background of the highlighted ">" to be more contrasty.
Edit: I also tried sofficerc and libreoffice-writerrc. No joy.
Second Edit: there's already soffice.binrc. Modifying that works!