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clock widgets showing wrong time after daylight saving change

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    clock widgets showing wrong time after daylight saving change

    kubuntu 18.04
    KDE plasma 5.12.7

    my timezone changed from summer time to standard time recently. Ever since all the clock widgets are wrong - digital clock is 2 hours behind. Analogue clock and fuzzy clock are 2 hours ahead.

    Date & time in system settings shows the right time and is set to use automatic date and time. Timezone is set to my current time zone. Running 'date' in command line shows the correct time and timezone

    Digital clock widget has an option to configure timezone. Setting to my system time and and my actual timezone doesn't fix it.

    Analogue clock and fuzzy clock have no time or timezone configuration so I presume they are meant to be tied to the system time.

    If your tzdata package is up to date (you can check in Synaptic), and your config settings are right (Settings->System Settings->Regional Settings(Date & Time)), and you have rebooted sometime since time change, then I'm just guessing but you could try to remove/purge the clock widgets and re-install them. You could also re-install tzdata, but that usually works really well and without the need for hand-holding.
    The next brick house on the left
    Intel i7 11th Gen | 16GB | 1TB | KDE Plasma 5.27.11​| Kubuntu 24.04 | 6.8.0-31-generic


      Originally posted by jglen490 View Post
      If your tzdata package is up to date (you can check in Synaptic), and your config settings are right (Settings->System Settings->Regional Settings(Date & Time)), and you have rebooted sometime since time change, then I'm just guessing but you could try to remove/purge the clock widgets and re-install them. You could also re-install tzdata, but that usually works really well and without the need for hand-holding.
      Yes its been rebooted a number of times since this started

      tzdata is up to date but I purged it and re-installed anyway. didn't solve the issue

      All system settings are correct. Date & time in system settings and 'date' in command line shows the correct time and timezone.

      widgets have also been removed and added back in. even tried on a new panel and they show the same problems. When you say 'purge' do you mean the same thing as just removing them from the panel?

      Also tried re-installing tzdata which didn't solve it.


        "Purging" means removing the package (program, widget, or whatever) AND removing all configuration files. Normal package removal does not remove configs to preserve user edits, etc. I'm not sure if it's possible to easily purge a widget.

        BTW, tzdata was updated just yesterday in 18.04.

        You might try creating a second user account and see if the problem exists there. This may identify if it's a user setting or system setting causing the problem.

        Please Read Me


          Originally posted by oshunluvr View Post
          "Purging" means removing the package (program, widget, or whatever) AND removing all configuration files. Normal package removal does not remove configs to preserve user edits, etc. I'm not sure if it's possible to easily purge a widget.

          BTW, tzdata was updated just yesterday in 18.04.

          You might try creating a second user account and see if the problem exists there. This may identify if it's a user setting or system setting causing the problem.
          the tzdata update I did was a couple of hours ago so it got the latest one

          I get the same problem when logged in as a newly created user. Although when I log into the Xfce desktop environment I don't see the problem when adding a clock there. So its definitely something to do with the plasma widgets. any idea how I can 'purge' these and re-install? Simply removing them obviously doesn't work

