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Discover and Update Notifications

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    Discover and Update Notifications

    Been using Kubuntu as my main OS on my laptop since 14.04 and I am very happy with it.
    I normally run sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade from time to time to keep everything up to date.
    With the recent upgrade from 17.10 to 18.04, I get the update notification in the taskbar that there are updates. When I click the icon, it will say there are updates, launch Discover...sometimes Discover shows updates, sometimes it does not. I have updates set to auto download and install, so that probably has something to do with it. And regardless if Discover downloads updates or not, the update icon remains in the taskbar stating there are updates until I restart the PC.
    Anyone else having this happen? I rarely use Discover, OK to remove it? Or associate the update notification with another program (like Muon Software Updater)? The main issue is once the update notification takes place I can't update from the CL without killing the Discover process, or unlocking the dpkg DIR, so it has added several steps to the update process.

    The "stuck" notification bug has since been fixed I think, in plasma 5.12.5, form the kubuntu-updates ppa, which eventually will make it to the standard Ubuntu repos, after some time.

    You can remove the updater from system tray by unchecking it in the systray settings, and I you can for sure uninstall plasma-discover (which includes the notifier), but Muon package manager does not have a tray icon for update notifications.

    Yes, having automatic updating will lock other package management tasks while it is running, no matter which tool you are using. For me, having the notification show does not get in the way of manually updating via apt. My guess is that yours is doing its auto update, so just wait for it to finish doing its thing in the background. The notifyer itself is not preventing you from manually updating, the command line updating in the background is. Even though it does look different than it does in 14.04, I believe the actual processes used are identical.


      I find that after a security update (red button icon) a new blue button icon appears in the taskbar, even though there are no new updates. I just let it go as it doesn't bother me at all. I'm using Plasma 12.5 (Neon). It disappears after a reboot.


        My update icon behaves this way, sporadically, as well.
        I use the Konsole and apt to do the update/upgrades.
        When I got a notice today I did the usual and the icon stayed on the system tray. I opened Discover, which said there were updates waiting, and it spun its wheels for a while and then said no updates available, but the icon still stayed in the tray. I used the system tray settings to hide it.
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


          Updating to plasma 5.12.5 seems to remove the notification icon after updating. The process still seems a little hit and miss but I'm sure that is due to the auto update/install.


            I've been using 5.12.5 for a while and get the icon hang about 50:50.
            But, I don't care because I use the CLI to run the apt commands manually about once a day..
            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

