Originally posted by Vaira
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Software crashes. Windows, Linux, MacOS, Playstation, whatever. It falls down and goes boom. And if it does it at a bad time, like when you're installing updates it hoses your system.
This thread has been going on for days now, everyone has offered their opinions and tried to help. We've examined the issue and many of us have gone the extra mile to be fair to you and understand what is happening here and get to the root cause of it.
It's time to let it go. If something like this happens again, file a bug report. Give as much detail as you can, the system automatically gathers as much information as it can on it's own and prepares it, maybe someone else can offer more guidance with what to do if the system crashed before a bug report was filed. In any case filing bug reports is how things get fixed, without knowing the details of what went wrong ( and I mean system logs, etc) they don't know where to look.
I'm not trying to be unfair. Quite the opposite, but I hope you can see in retrospect that this thread was you venting your frustration, and you haven't been entirely fair to Kubuntu. It's not unsuitable as a productive OS, as GreyGeek said thousands upon thousands use it every day to be productve.
Does it have bugs? Of course, what software doesn't? But this issue has been overblown from the start, and I'm sorry to the Oldtimers and Devs if I've been unfair to them and their work and superior experience. What I think is that discover bugged out and being that it was doing an update this caused a catostrophic failure. Sad, frustrating. I can understand, I've been there.