Yes, claydoh, I think you got that down pretty good . That happyassassin--Adam W--is one of the first references I read on UEFI and a favorite of mine. I really like--and never forgot--his quote toward the end:
and he goes on from there to give you your options!
As for the ubuntu forlder in /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu, there are at least a couple ways to sort of deal with that: using labels; and using more than one ESP. I try to explain in detail both these in my UEFI how-to's:
UEFI, GPT, ESP, GRUB2-EFI, (dual)-booting, fixing things
(I did do experiments to prove to myself that labels and separate ESPs do work. I had some help from Rod Smith--THE EFI guru, IMO--by email on sorting out some of this. UEFI results depend upon the firmware implementation, as Adam W explains, so I should mention my motherboard-firmware is ASUS, and that ASUS does a super-dooper job of implementing UEFI standards and utilities.)
Another of our expert members here, jlittle, also has some good experience and ideas on all this stuff.
If you can possibly manage it, have one OS per computer. If you need more than one OS, buy more computers, ...
As for the ubuntu forlder in /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu, there are at least a couple ways to sort of deal with that: using labels; and using more than one ESP. I try to explain in detail both these in my UEFI how-to's:
UEFI, GPT, ESP, GRUB2-EFI, (dual)-booting, fixing things
(I did do experiments to prove to myself that labels and separate ESPs do work. I had some help from Rod Smith--THE EFI guru, IMO--by email on sorting out some of this. UEFI results depend upon the firmware implementation, as Adam W explains, so I should mention my motherboard-firmware is ASUS, and that ASUS does a super-dooper job of implementing UEFI standards and utilities.)
Another of our expert members here, jlittle, also has some good experience and ideas on all this stuff.