Upgrade from 17.10 was fine ... but first post-install upgrade using Discover is not reporting its results properly. Firstly, there is no indication of progress of upgrading items in their various stages: downloading, preparing, installing... and secondly, reporting of completion is not obvious - merely a change in a text message, not really good enough for a Graphic User Interface!
Then thirdly, the Updates widget's icon in the System Tray shows a change of dot color - red to blue in default scheme - but clicking on it fails to show the true number of items (0) to update (perhaps until a fresh batch arrives?), continuing to show the number just done. Further, if it really needs to be there full-time, a more honest report would be appreciated. Else, having completed updates successfully, is there really any need to show the icon at all until more need be done?
Then thirdly, the Updates widget's icon in the System Tray shows a change of dot color - red to blue in default scheme - but clicking on it fails to show the true number of items (0) to update (perhaps until a fresh batch arrives?), continuing to show the number just done. Further, if it really needs to be there full-time, a more honest report would be appreciated. Else, having completed updates successfully, is there really any need to show the icon at all until more need be done?