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Adding an IPv6 tunnel to Kubuntu BIONIC

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    Adding an IPv6 tunnel to Kubuntu BIONIC

    Around the first of May I detailed my experience installing IPv6 on NEON:

    I've switched to BIONIC until NEON 18.04 comes out.

    In that msg about IPv6 on NEON I detailed how to set up an IPv6 tunnel at It is really easy to do.

    However, after I installed Kubuntu 18.04 BIONIC as my primary system I noticed that the usual method prescribed by TunnelBrokers to start up the tunnel during boot was not working. Specifically the instructions were to add the following code to /etc/network/interfaces:
    auto he-ipv6
    iface he-ipv6 inet6 v4tunnel
            address 2001:B:C:D::2                                  my IPv6 IP address assigned by
            netmask 64
            endpoint                             Tunnelbroker's IPv4 server address
    #        local W.X.Y.Z                                               my static IP address- not used
            local                                    my LAN IP address assigned as a static using MAC address
            ttl 255
            gateway 2001:B:C:D::1                                 IPv6 gw
            dns-nameservers 2606:4700:4700::1111
            dns-nameservers 2606:4700:4700::1001
    That worked perfectly on Neon but does not work on BIONIC. The solution was the following:
    create a file called /etc/network/if-up.d/ipv6
    ifconfig sit0 up
    ifconfig sit0 inet6 tunnel ::
    ifconfig sit1 up               
    ifconfig sit1 inet6 add 2001:B:C:D::2
    route -A inet6 add ::/0 dev sit1
    and mark ipv6 executable

    The IPv6 routing will be set up on the next boot. You can tell if things are running right by checking If you get 20/20 things are perfect. It will show that IPv6 is your default protocol and if the site you are surfing to isn't IPv6 then your browser will fall back to IPv4 within a second.

    If you don't create the ipv6 file you can do so manually. Just open a Konsole and sudo -i to root. Copy and paste the last 5 lines onto the console command prompt. Done. IF you had your browser open then IPv4 will be the default protocol. IF you browser was closed when you pasted those 5 lines then IPv6 will be the default protocol when you open your browser.
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