Wow that's a lot so I'll dive right in.
Mount options. I issued mount with a -v, not a capital -V.
Output from: sudo mount -a is just the terminal prompt. Output from sudo mount -a -v
I already posted the output I get from the server which is more than I get without -v. The point I was making is that sudo mount -a should mount everything listed in the fstab. The BTRFS is in my fstab with the correct UUID. After mounting it, I ran df -h and the /nas does not show up which tells me it's NOT mounted.
Update!!! I turned on my server to try again and just to get the baseline established again, I ran df -h and the /nas is listed! I don't know why it didn't do it the day earlier when I was issuing mount commands. Any ideas would be appreciated. I think I'll be rebooting more when I issue a command that doesn't seem to work.
Yes, I have three 2TB WD Blue NAS drives using BTRFS as one volume mounted to /nas. Since it wasn't mounting, apparently, I was trying to blow the volume away and start again, but now I don't have to. As of today, it looks like everything is working as it should. I don't like it when things don't work, then they do without explanation.
As far as my setup is concerned, my nas boots to a 64GB flash drive so the 3 drives are all for nas. My goal is to use the nas to store media such as movies, and music so it can be streamed with an app like Media Tomb or similar within the network and be accessed via internet using OpenVPN. The nas will also be used to share files between the three users including myself. I also intend to run periodic backups (snapshots) on the data.
I think that about covers it. If anyone has an explanation why df -h did NOT show /nas mounted and then one day, it does, I'd love to know why. Thanks again and the thread is already marked SOLVED.
P.S. I can now ssh into the server from my computer so no switching back and forth. The next step is OpenVPN and port forwarding an AT&T U-Verse MODEM. I'm sure that will trigger more posts or some calls to U-Verse tech support. Thanks again.
Mount options. I issued mount with a -v, not a capital -V.
Output from: sudo mount -a is just the terminal prompt. Output from sudo mount -a -v
mount: UUID=9d3f1ff1-99b4-418c-8dca-84916431f9d5 already mounted on /media/Data nothing was mounted
Update!!! I turned on my server to try again and just to get the baseline established again, I ran df -h and the /nas is listed! I don't know why it didn't do it the day earlier when I was issuing mount commands. Any ideas would be appreciated. I think I'll be rebooting more when I issue a command that doesn't seem to work.
Yes, I have three 2TB WD Blue NAS drives using BTRFS as one volume mounted to /nas. Since it wasn't mounting, apparently, I was trying to blow the volume away and start again, but now I don't have to. As of today, it looks like everything is working as it should. I don't like it when things don't work, then they do without explanation.
As far as my setup is concerned, my nas boots to a 64GB flash drive so the 3 drives are all for nas. My goal is to use the nas to store media such as movies, and music so it can be streamed with an app like Media Tomb or similar within the network and be accessed via internet using OpenVPN. The nas will also be used to share files between the three users including myself. I also intend to run periodic backups (snapshots) on the data.
I think that about covers it. If anyone has an explanation why df -h did NOT show /nas mounted and then one day, it does, I'd love to know why. Thanks again and the thread is already marked SOLVED.
P.S. I can now ssh into the server from my computer so no switching back and forth. The next step is OpenVPN and port forwarding an AT&T U-Verse MODEM. I'm sure that will trigger more posts or some calls to U-Verse tech support. Thanks again.