R - Two questions at the bottom of this post.
Full background: I have a gtx680 GPU, and I added the official GPU PPA to 18.04.
When I open Plasma's Driver Manager, it tells me I'm running the Nouveau driver, even though I'm positive that I'm not. I have installed the 418 driver, then rebooted, and my resolution options increased, and the Nvidia settings app functioned normally.
I forget which command I found to run in the terminal, but it verified that I was indeed running 418, so I thought, no big deal, the driver manager is wrong. Oh well. This was early last year. I'd been gaming since then with no issues.
Well, starting a few days ago, games started hard-locking my system. They'd freeze on a single frame, and my keyboard & mouse stopped responding, but the music track would keep playing until the song was over, then nothing. I'd have to reboot from the physical button. It could be a corrupted SSD, it might be RAM, I honestly don't know at this point, but I wanted to rule out a corrupted GPU driver since my system is only freezing up when I play 3D games.
The thing is, I can't switch to the Nouveau driver to completely get rid of Nvidia, because the driver manager won't let me Apply Changes when selecting Nouveau, because it claims I'm already using it. So, I followed some command-line advice I saw on the Ubuntu forums here and there to re-install/reconfigure Nouveau, and then I booted into a low-res desktop.
I ran the command sudo apt-get remove --purge '^nvidia-.*'
When I rebooted again, and tried to install 418 from the Driver Manager from scratch, it immediately jumped from 0% complete to 50%, which means to me, it already had the driver downloaded, and it was installing what it already had cached. That's exactly what I don't want. I want a fresh download.
So, my two questions are:
1) What is wrong with Driver Manager / how do I get it to report my driver version correctly?
2) How do I really, really purge all Nvidia files to ensure I get a fresh download?

Full background: I have a gtx680 GPU, and I added the official GPU PPA to 18.04.
When I open Plasma's Driver Manager, it tells me I'm running the Nouveau driver, even though I'm positive that I'm not. I have installed the 418 driver, then rebooted, and my resolution options increased, and the Nvidia settings app functioned normally.
I forget which command I found to run in the terminal, but it verified that I was indeed running 418, so I thought, no big deal, the driver manager is wrong. Oh well. This was early last year. I'd been gaming since then with no issues.
Well, starting a few days ago, games started hard-locking my system. They'd freeze on a single frame, and my keyboard & mouse stopped responding, but the music track would keep playing until the song was over, then nothing. I'd have to reboot from the physical button. It could be a corrupted SSD, it might be RAM, I honestly don't know at this point, but I wanted to rule out a corrupted GPU driver since my system is only freezing up when I play 3D games.
The thing is, I can't switch to the Nouveau driver to completely get rid of Nvidia, because the driver manager won't let me Apply Changes when selecting Nouveau, because it claims I'm already using it. So, I followed some command-line advice I saw on the Ubuntu forums here and there to re-install/reconfigure Nouveau, and then I booted into a low-res desktop.
I ran the command sudo apt-get remove --purge '^nvidia-.*'
When I rebooted again, and tried to install 418 from the Driver Manager from scratch, it immediately jumped from 0% complete to 50%, which means to me, it already had the driver downloaded, and it was installing what it already had cached. That's exactly what I don't want. I want a fresh download.
So, my two questions are:
1) What is wrong with Driver Manager / how do I get it to report my driver version correctly?
2) How do I really, really purge all Nvidia files to ensure I get a fresh download?