I'm an old duffer, a long-term Linuxer (since Mandrake!), and I've enjoyed watching it grow and learning. I'm now forgetting, so I'm looking for easier ways. Installing 17.10 on my desktop 'tower', I decided to install to sdb. sda was the original Windows 7 upgraded to 10, with Kubuntu alongside. I don't recall any problems there, or through upgrades from 9.04 Jaunty to 17.04 Zesty.
Installing 17.10 to sdb had me stumped - grub would not install! The Install process, as it had before, would not continue unless I accepted UEFI mode, and having done so all went fine until reboot - no go! Fortunately 17.04 was still intact and working - I'm using that to write this. I even tried de-powering sda, but still no go! Web search turned up a picture of someone else's multi-boot, and careful perusal revealed it had a Windows boot partition - some 260MB- selected as grub install point. A Howto somewhere had hinted this was a necessity, and my KDE Partition Manager showed I didn't have one, so I created one!
Helpful option there in the File systems menu! SUCCESS! Grub even detected 17.04 on sda. It did NOT, however, detect Wndows' boot system (still brainlessly defined as Vista!) there
Now let's see about transferring data - uh-oh...
Have to list the applications I want/need and install them - no problem - except my data.
Firebird is there by default - good. OK, now how do I import all my settings, bookmarks, 'newtab' page, cookies etc? i.e. how do I get Firebird's Import to access that stuff on my sda partition?
Thunderbird installed fine - Kontact has no Import anyway - but is similarly hobbled.
poptrayminus has always been difficult. There's a .deb, but it turns up its toes for lack of requirements. How about a Snap for that? I'd dearly like also for that to be a 'way-point' to go through to Thunderbird.
aMule is no problem - I can copy its data as I'm already accustomed.
I've got Windows stuff running on Wine - there are a few apps there with no Linux equivalent or better - that's going to be a nest of thorns ...
Create a folder /home/Desktop and that already has anything you've plonked on the desktop so far - How do I do the reciprocal, showing that folder on the desktop, without creating a a 'hall of mirrors' infinite recursion?
Muon's useless Discover is still a Favorite
Muon's Package Manager is a more sensible one - or is that 'above the pay grade' to most users?
Besides, "Discover" is used for the Updater - confusing!
It's taken me about as long to write this as it did to do the install ... I anticipate more intricacies that could go a lot smoother.
Installing 17.10 to sdb had me stumped - grub would not install! The Install process, as it had before, would not continue unless I accepted UEFI mode, and having done so all went fine until reboot - no go! Fortunately 17.04 was still intact and working - I'm using that to write this. I even tried de-powering sda, but still no go! Web search turned up a picture of someone else's multi-boot, and careful perusal revealed it had a Windows boot partition - some 260MB- selected as grub install point. A Howto somewhere had hinted this was a necessity, and my KDE Partition Manager showed I didn't have one, so I created one!
Helpful option there in the File systems menu! SUCCESS! Grub even detected 17.04 on sda. It did NOT, however, detect Wndows' boot system (still brainlessly defined as Vista!) there

Now let's see about transferring data - uh-oh...
Have to list the applications I want/need and install them - no problem - except my data.
Firebird is there by default - good. OK, now how do I import all my settings, bookmarks, 'newtab' page, cookies etc? i.e. how do I get Firebird's Import to access that stuff on my sda partition?
Thunderbird installed fine - Kontact has no Import anyway - but is similarly hobbled.
poptrayminus has always been difficult. There's a .deb, but it turns up its toes for lack of requirements. How about a Snap for that? I'd dearly like also for that to be a 'way-point' to go through to Thunderbird.
aMule is no problem - I can copy its data as I'm already accustomed.
I've got Windows stuff running on Wine - there are a few apps there with no Linux equivalent or better - that's going to be a nest of thorns ...
Create a folder /home/Desktop and that already has anything you've plonked on the desktop so far - How do I do the reciprocal, showing that folder on the desktop, without creating a a 'hall of mirrors' infinite recursion?
Muon's useless Discover is still a Favorite

Besides, "Discover" is used for the Updater - confusing!
It's taken me about as long to write this as it did to do the install ... I anticipate more intricacies that could go a lot smoother.