My home router hands out dhcp licenses including the dns resolver to use -- my own nameserver on my local network.
Just installed 17.04 and everything looks great except I cannot get it to use my own nameserver. I catted /etc/resolv.conf to find an unpleasant surprise -- systemd is now involved in name resolution! What joy.
I'll leave the rant about systemd for another time, I just need to get this to work.
So systemd-resolve --status shows the correct IP (my own nameserver) listed first, along with the gateway IP(!?) second. I didn't ask my gateway (home router) to include itself in the list of dns servers it provides with dhcp licenses but it's possible it does this anyway I suppose. Is it also possible that systemd is trying to be clever (and failing) again by automatically including gateway IPs in the list of resolvers??
In any case it seems it doesn't use the first IP in the list (my name server) it uses the second (the gateway), even though the first would have resolved the lookups to my local servers while the second can't. So I have no DNS for my local network. What is going on here? The NetworkManager gui shows no 'additional' dns servers configured, and /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf has no 'dns' entry.
Just installed 17.04 and everything looks great except I cannot get it to use my own nameserver. I catted /etc/resolv.conf to find an unpleasant surprise -- systemd is now involved in name resolution! What joy.
I'll leave the rant about systemd for another time, I just need to get this to work.
So systemd-resolve --status shows the correct IP (my own nameserver) listed first, along with the gateway IP(!?) second. I didn't ask my gateway (home router) to include itself in the list of dns servers it provides with dhcp licenses but it's possible it does this anyway I suppose. Is it also possible that systemd is trying to be clever (and failing) again by automatically including gateway IPs in the list of resolvers??
In any case it seems it doesn't use the first IP in the list (my name server) it uses the second (the gateway), even though the first would have resolved the lookups to my local servers while the second can't. So I have no DNS for my local network. What is going on here? The NetworkManager gui shows no 'additional' dns servers configured, and /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf has no 'dns' entry.