Okay, it seems I have a new little quirk I need help with. Before this it wasn't a problem, but since updating to 5.8 it's fallen into the annoying category. Anyhow, my question is this. Right now updates are automatic and mandatory. I *DO NOT* have any choice but to install them as the system automatically installs them without notification or warning whether I want them to be or not. The only way I know anything has happened is I'm asked to reboot after they're installed. That just doesn't fly with me. I want the old behavior back where, if there were updates, it'd notify me that there were available and gave me the option to choice which ones I wanted to install, when and so on. This "you're gonna get your updates and you're gonna like it or else" BS has to stop. How do I make updates optional again so that *I* choose when they go in rather than the updater just automatically shoving them down my throat?
I did a search, but I'm not seeing anything relevant to this issue. Any help is welcome.
I did a search, but I'm not seeing anything relevant to this issue. Any help is welcome.