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Systray question - icons

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    Systray question - icons

    Okay, I just recently added the backports PPA and upgraded to KDE 5.8, however in doing so I now have these really weird icons for Pidgin in the systray. I found two of them (/usr/share/icons/breeze-dark/16/im-user-online.svg and im-user-away.svg) and replaced them with Pidgin's available and away icons that were in PNG format. That seems to have solved a problem I have with two of the icons (ie, with the new theme is hard to distinguish what state you're in or if you have a waiting message), however the last couple icons I can't seem to find. The biggest of these is the pidgin-tray-pending.png icon as that indicates when a message is waiting for me.

    I've already searched through the spaghetti code wonderland of /usr/share/icons, but for the life of me I can't find out where that one icon is at. The others I could care less about as I don't use those. But the message alert icon I'd like to update to the one Pidgin uses. Now, if there's some simpler way of doing this where I can get systray to use the default pidgin icons like it's supposed to (/usr/share/pixmaps/pidgin/tray/), that'd be greatly preferred over this hack. I only went this way initially because I couldn't find out how to make it use pixmaps instead of the system svg images it's using now. Any suggestions or help would be welcome. Thanks.

    Geez, doing some extended reading on this it's no wonder my pidgin icon situation is a mess. From what I've been seeing there's all kinds of problems, broken app icons in the systray, wrong icons, stuff missing, things getting flakey, etc. I guess my best bet at this point may be to just sit back and wait for KDE to catch up with the rest of the Linux world and get their act together.


      Being patient has its rewards!
      It was Poe who said "Be not the first by which the new are tried, or the last by which the old are cast aside."

      I used to LOVE riding the bleeding edge, but I'm getting too old and forgetful to do it now. So, I just ride along with what ever KDE Neon User Edition pours down the pipe. Neon is awesome!
      Last edited by GreyGeek; Mar 15, 2017, 09:59 AM.
      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


        Hmm, Neon sounds interesting. Although I'm not sure I want to challenge myself by installing it just yet. I mean, Just got done trying to get my present distro usable. lol.


          Believe it or not, Neon installs and runs JUST LIKE Kubuntu. It isn't any easier nor is it any harder. After all, you're running KDE!
          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

