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KRDC in Plasma5 still calls KWallet4

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    KRDC in Plasma5 still calls KWallet4

    Kubuntu (Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS) w/Plasma 5
    KRDC Version 4.14.16


    When using the "Remember passwords (KWallet)" option, KRDC still calls the legacy kwallet4 using:

    Under Plasma5, KRDC should instead call for:

    As it stands now, the legacy kwallet4 can be used, but users cannot configure or change the password on the older kwallet4 wallets using the new kwalletmanager5, nor can the cause the legacy wallet to stay open persistently for any period of time since kwalletmanager4 cannot be installed concurrently.

    Additional Info:
    Ubuntu Xenial krdc = 4:15.12.3-0ubuntu1

    # cat /etc/lsb-release
    DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS"

    # apt-cache policy krdc
    krdc: Installed: 4:15.12.3-0ubuntu1
    Candidate: 4:15.12.3-0ubuntu1
    Version table: *** 4:15.12.3-0ubuntu1
    500 500 xenial/universe amd64 Packages


    Once KDE Applications 16.04 (note KDE's versioning here has zero to do with Ubuntu version 16.04) hit Yakketty 16.10, packages will be back-ported to Xenial via the kubuntu-backports ppa. Can't say exactly when but it looks like 16.04.3 Applications may land in yakkety fairly soon.


      Thanks, claydoh. That was my KDE bug report that I reposted here based on the direction from those comments.

      I had looked here and took it to mean that Yakkety was going to still include the current krdc version:
      Last edited by Snowhog; Aug 05, 2016, 03:20 PM.


        yes, currently in the archive that is the version, but there are things being built and not complete or ready to be pushed there just yet


          Originally posted by claydoh View Post
          yes, currently in the archive that is the version, but there are things being built and not complete or ready to be pushed there just yet
          10-4. Thank you.


            Could be a while yet before apps get into Yakkety. We have been trying to get Frameworks(5.24) and Plasma(5.7.2) into the main archive but keep getting roadblocked in proposed. The first issue was with Qt5.6.1, now we are having issues with gcc 6.

            If you want to test Apps 16.04.3, drop into #kubuntu-devel and we can show you how to add the testing PPA's and help with any issues you might have.


              Clivejo, is KWallet using gpg yet? The version using gpg instead of blowfish was supposed to be in KDE 4.12
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              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

