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Steampunk Plasmoid not recognised when selected

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    Steampunk Plasmoid not recognised when selected

    Some help/pointers required please!

    I am attempting to install the timekeeper plasmoid from kde-apps but when opening a local file the file selector does not recognise the .plasmoid file as being valid.

    Previously it installed as one of the list of recognised plasma widgets, it no longer shows up in that list so I am forced to manually install. I have downloaded the plasmoid into the downloads folder but any attempt to select it fails. If the older plasmoid format was incompatible I would at least expect it to complain when it opens it but it does not get that far. The .plasmoid file remains unselected.

    The plasmoid is here:

    This is the plasmoid as installed successfully on Kubuntu 14 LTS

    do you have "marble" installed ? the page you link to sead it was a dependence .

    are you installing with
    [B][I]plasmapkg -i timekeeper.plasmoid[/I][/B]
    you should get some feedback with that .

    you must do it from in the directory where "timekeeper.plasmoid" is ,,,or provide the complete path

    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
    16GB RAM
    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


      scratch that ,,,,,,,,,, this is a plasma4 plasmoid , it installs to the wrong current location for plasmoids and is trying to use qtquick-1 ,,,we are on 2.2 now .

      you could,,,,,,,,try going to ~/.kde/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/timekeeper/contents/and edit the .qml files to call the current qtquick ver and any other qt component you see getting called to the current ver, ,,,,,,,and move it all to ~/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/,,,,,,,,but no guaranty it will work then either.

      and I am not so interested in it to do the work tonight just to see,,,,,

      Last edited by vinnywright; May 18, 2016, 05:45 PM.
      i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
      16GB RAM
      Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


        Vinny, if you get the chance please see if you can make the changes, I will try to do it myself. I'm not a Kubuntu type myself but I'll give it a go. Thankyou for the prompt advice.



          I NEVER KNEW that there is a "steampunk" plasmoid!!

          I just LUV Linux!



            Oh yes, and there would be a few more if there was a friendly and workable IDE with a graphical GUI on KDE.

            I've posted this before but it is relevant here, this is my windows desktop showing the widgets crafted in photoshop and javascript/xml. Plasmoids can be cut in javascript too and if the process was easy I'd convert them all. So far only one was created and that was not coded by me but used my graphics. I am updating it now but I need to get it to work on Plasma 5 first. I am a linux newb so forgive my tardiness.

            If you watch the video you'll see how it operated on Plasma 4.

            Last edited by yereverluvinunclebert; May 21, 2016, 02:56 PM.



              ummmm I really DO NOT THINK....that there is ANYBODY ELSE HERE making their own "widgets" !

              mebbe you should do a blog or a you tube!

              lookin' gooood!!



                That's why I'm not creating anymore for KDE, not enough users. On Windows there are enough to make it worthwhile.

                I would make a plasmoid or two if the IDE existed and worked (plasmate was never finished I believe) but I need an incentive to start. I am currently converting each to a web widget.


                  Well there WAS a Hannah Montana Linux! :0


                  Annnnnnddddddd....there's Lindsey Stirling.....


                  My college's art department had the students do a "steampunk piece of attire" for the "artwalk" that the city has last the MIDWEST!! :0

                  Maybe the time for a steampunk themed Linux.....with appropriate controllers for steam operated laptops and such, and also steam operated analogue fitness watches.... yeah...... the drivers would probably be the only real problem.... but... you might get some volunteers to write them!

                  Maybe get a certain well known artist who lurks these hallowed halls to make a "brown" KDE with blue glistening/glassy highlights for the KDE logo.... hmmm .....

                  In fact, methinks that the fellow has already DONE that!


                  Last edited by woodsmoke; May 21, 2016, 06:26 PM.

