Is there a roadmap for future Kubuntu releases? I've got 16.04 installed now, and there's a few bugs with various KDE components that I'm hoping will be addressed in an upcoming release. In one case, the bug has already been fixed in a newer version of the KDE component, but I don't know if it's safe to try to install that version over the one that's bundled with 16.04. To the best of my understanding, KDE releases updated versions of things on its own schedule, and the Kubuntu project then selects which versions of those components to use for its various releases. Is that correct? Is there somewhere I can see and follow discussions about what Kubuntu's devs plan to do with future releases?
tl;dr version:
In Kubuntu 16.04, the version of KDE Spectacle is 15.12.3. There's a bug where it won't save the "On Click" setting. I went and submitted a bug about it at, and was informed that the bug has already been fixed, in a version of Spectacle confusingly numbered 16.04.0. (I did a bug search first to see if this issue came up, and didn't find anything.) All my packages are up to date, so I guess Spectacle 16.04.0 or later is going to be made available in an upcoming release of Kubuntu, maybe 16.04.1 (if such a thing is planned). Obviously by the time the next LTS comes out (presumably 18.04), the current version of Spectacle will be far beyond whatever exists now. ( does not list any version info for Spectacle, so going into this, I wasn't even aware that the version of Spectacle I was using wasn't the most recent one. And in fact Spectacle's github page doesn't list any information about versions, and there's no changelog, and the source code itself doesn't seem to contain version numbers; at this point I haven't the slightest idea how KDE components get version numbers assigned to them.)
So obviously it would be possible to get a more recent version of Spectacle and install it, but over the last 15 years of using Linux I've learned to be extremely wary of installing newer versions of components than are available through apt. Sometimes it works, sometimes it causes weird things to break and I have to try to revert. I have a lot less free time than I used to (thanks, kids) so I can't really afford to spend hours trying a bunch of things to get one component to work right. So generally I just suck it up and wait for a newer official release that has everything bundled together, or hope that apt upgrade will eventually provide a newer version of the component that fixes whatever the issue is.
But I've never been able to really have any sense of what's coming down the pike when it comes to Kubuntu in particular. There's all these different components that are involved, and all these different sites, and I just feel like I'm lost in a forest every time I try to find out what's coming up. Any suggestions?
tl;dr version:
In Kubuntu 16.04, the version of KDE Spectacle is 15.12.3. There's a bug where it won't save the "On Click" setting. I went and submitted a bug about it at, and was informed that the bug has already been fixed, in a version of Spectacle confusingly numbered 16.04.0. (I did a bug search first to see if this issue came up, and didn't find anything.) All my packages are up to date, so I guess Spectacle 16.04.0 or later is going to be made available in an upcoming release of Kubuntu, maybe 16.04.1 (if such a thing is planned). Obviously by the time the next LTS comes out (presumably 18.04), the current version of Spectacle will be far beyond whatever exists now. ( does not list any version info for Spectacle, so going into this, I wasn't even aware that the version of Spectacle I was using wasn't the most recent one. And in fact Spectacle's github page doesn't list any information about versions, and there's no changelog, and the source code itself doesn't seem to contain version numbers; at this point I haven't the slightest idea how KDE components get version numbers assigned to them.)
So obviously it would be possible to get a more recent version of Spectacle and install it, but over the last 15 years of using Linux I've learned to be extremely wary of installing newer versions of components than are available through apt. Sometimes it works, sometimes it causes weird things to break and I have to try to revert. I have a lot less free time than I used to (thanks, kids) so I can't really afford to spend hours trying a bunch of things to get one component to work right. So generally I just suck it up and wait for a newer official release that has everything bundled together, or hope that apt upgrade will eventually provide a newer version of the component that fixes whatever the issue is.
But I've never been able to really have any sense of what's coming down the pike when it comes to Kubuntu in particular. There's all these different components that are involved, and all these different sites, and I just feel like I'm lost in a forest every time I try to find out what's coming up. Any suggestions?