Trying to pin my Firefox 55.0b9 version in Kubuntu 16.04 and it would be less scary if someone could check my syntax before I try it.
This is in reference to the instructions on pinning given in the article HERE
If I am thinking correctly about this I would just copy and paste each of these 3 steps in to the terminal...yes?
Step 1
APT:efault-Release "xenial";
Step 2
# official ubuntu sites
#### testing #########
deb xenial main restricted universe multiverse
#### development #########
deb xenial main restricted universe multiverse
Step 3
Package: firefox-55.0b9
Pin: release n=xenial
Pin-Priority: -10
Package: firefox-55.0b9
Pin: release n=xenial
Pin-Priority: 900
This is in reference to the instructions on pinning given in the article HERE
If I am thinking correctly about this I would just copy and paste each of these 3 steps in to the terminal...yes?
Step 1
APT:efault-Release "xenial";
Step 2
# official ubuntu sites
#### testing #########
deb xenial main restricted universe multiverse
#### development #########
deb xenial main restricted universe multiverse
Step 3
Package: firefox-55.0b9
Pin: release n=xenial
Pin-Priority: -10
Package: firefox-55.0b9
Pin: release n=xenial
Pin-Priority: 900