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Session settings do not reappear after login

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    Session settings do not reappear after login

    Dear all

    I have installed 16.04 on three Thinkpads (IBM T43 [more than 10 years old now], T510 and E145 -the most recent one in my fleet) and made a few interesting observations. 32-bit version of xerus works nicely on T43, and the 64-bit version accpetably on T510. On E145, wireless did not work but this seems to be a bug known to the (K)Ubuntu community and there seems to be a fix present.

    Yet I have the following problem. When I start T510 and log in, the session looks completely new, i.e. the system does not seem to remember my earlier settings when loggin out (usually, I have a few terminals open as well as Kmail and a web browser). It's kind of awkward that I need to restart each of my preferred programs (with the terminals not showing the right directory of course). In "System Settings" -> "Startup and Shutdown" -> "Desktop Session" is the menu item "On Login" with the option to restore the previous session. This does not seem to work as expected. On the old T43, the previous session is perfectly restored.

    Thank you for any hints.