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Kubuntu 14.04.4 to 16.04 upgrade report

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    Kubuntu 14.04.4 to 16.04 upgrade report

    I have an old computer (AMD Phenom 4-core CPU, 4GB RAM, nVidia 210 GPU) that I put together myself. It ran Kubuntu 14.04.4 just fine. (I have /home on a separate partition.)

    It took less than 10 minutes to download the packages over a broadband internet connection, and then about an hour to install them.

    Post-installation, the only major problems were a) Audacious (multimedia app) had been upgraded from a PPA that was disabled, so I had to re-enable the PPA (for Xenial) in order to keep it from conflicting with QMMP (another multimedia app); and b) Dolphin's desktop launcher had to be edited because the new version apparently doesn't understand as many command-line switches as the old version did.

    Other than that, problems were largely cosmetic in nature. For example, LibreOffice looked like Windows 95 because the GTK and GTK3 integration packages hadn't been installed. I needed to rename the "~/.face" icon to "~/.face.icon" in order for sddm to display my avatar. I needed to turn anti-aliasing back on and set the DPI back to 96. Stuff like that.

    So it all went pretty well, which is something I've come to expect from Ubuntu and its community-based distros.

    If you upgrade, I'd highly recommend using Y PPA Manager to re-enable and reset your PPAs.

    Also, the "backports" PPA has recently released Plasma version 5.6.4.

    As always, YMMV! Happy computing.

    I noticed that you have the GoogleEarth icon on your desktop. Did you install it from a PPA? I ask because the "make-googleearth-package" in the repository fails on my amd64 machine because it needs lsb-core and libcurl13:i386. Lsb-core is not in the repository so even though a deb package is produced it fails to install because it cannot find or install lsb-core.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      No, it's an old 32-bit *.deb (v7.1.2.2041) downloaded and installed directly from Google Earth's web site. IIRC, I followed these instructions to get its dependencies met.

      (It also has the common Google-Earth-on-Linux problem of not displaying the Panoramio photos, which is no big deal. And -- I get the following error messages when I do an apt-get update:

      W: Signature by key 4CCA1EAF950CEE4AB83976DCA040830F7FAC5991 uses weak digest algorithm (SHA1)
      E: Failed to fetch No Hash entry in Release file /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/ which is considered strong enough for security purposes

      ...which I haven't looked for a solution to yet.)

