Hello everyone!
I'm on a Windows 10 / Kubuntu 16.04 dual-boot setup on an MSI notebook with 256 GB SSD + 1 TB normal HDD. Windows and Kubuntu are installed on the SDD while the data disc is shared between both operating systems.
However, I do not want to disable Windows' hiberate quick boot feature. But activating it involves that the shared partitions can only be mounted as readonly devices, which is perfectly ok for me - if I need write access with Kubuntu, I can explicitly shutdown Windows via the restart button functionality which in total involves less time than always disabling the quickstart.
Consequently I wanted a solution that dynamically mounts the shared partitions either as usual devices or as readonly if the former option is not possible. It seems not to be possible to do this via an fstab configuration, hence I wrote my own mount script containing the following code (I'm only focussing on one partition, my later described problem holds for both, data and windows partition).
I integrated the script into the system boot by running 'sudo update-rc.d <script.sh> defaults' and I also added the corresponding header to the script. However, mounting this way works fine, but now I want to access for instance the pictures folder from my home folder, i.e. I would like to add the following bind statement to the script:
Doing this gives me the desired result, but unluckily if I now open Dolphin and select the data partiton on the left panel, the picture path opens itself, too, instead of the device's root path (i.e. /mnt/Data). If I now want to open the root path in Dolphin I have to manually open it. As long as there is no 'mount --bind' statement in my mount script, this effect does not occur, but obviously I want to use the binds to integrate the data directories into my home folder.
Can someone explain me why Dolphin is messing up the things here and how I can fix this issue? I would appreciate to simply access the devices' root paths via Dolphin and not some subfolder...
Thanks in advance!
I'm on a Windows 10 / Kubuntu 16.04 dual-boot setup on an MSI notebook with 256 GB SSD + 1 TB normal HDD. Windows and Kubuntu are installed on the SDD while the data disc is shared between both operating systems.
However, I do not want to disable Windows' hiberate quick boot feature. But activating it involves that the shared partitions can only be mounted as readonly devices, which is perfectly ok for me - if I need write access with Kubuntu, I can explicitly shutdown Windows via the restart button functionality which in total involves less time than always disabling the quickstart.
Consequently I wanted a solution that dynamically mounts the shared partitions either as usual devices or as readonly if the former option is not possible. It seems not to be possible to do this via an fstab configuration, hence I wrote my own mount script containing the following code (I'm only focussing on one partition, my later described problem holds for both, data and windows partition).
dataUUID='...' #UUID of my data partiton mntData='/mnt/Data' options='defaults,uid=1000,umask=077' sudo mount -t ntfs -o $options UUID=$dataUUID "$mntData" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then sudo mount -t ntfs -o $options,ro UUID=$dataUUID "$mntData" fi
if [ ! -d '/home/<me>/Pictures' ]; then mkdir '/home/<me>/Pictures' fi sudo mount --bind "$mntData/Data/Pictures" '/home/<me>/Pictures'
Can someone explain me why Dolphin is messing up the things here and how I can fix this issue? I would appreciate to simply access the devices' root paths via Dolphin and not some subfolder...
Thanks in advance!
