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Broke.. Upgraded now black screen

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    Broke.. Upgraded now black screen

    I've upgraded to 16.04 and it all seemed to work well.

    After reboot it would just boot to a black a screen.
    I can boot to "upstart" to Kubuntu. just not normally.

    Any advice would be great.

    Perhaps the upgrade changed the ownership of ~/.Xauthority in your home folder to root. If you boot into the recovery mode terminal, remount the HD as rw and then use chown to change it back to you, then reboot.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      user/owner is set to my user,
      view content/change content is set to "only owner"
      execute is "nobody".


        I have the same issue as "Buzzstpoint".

        I may be incorrect, but I see Plasma Widget errors while plasmashell is attempting to start. It would be helpful to know where plasmashell keeps it's list of widgets to start so the may be commented out in a terminal. It would also be nice to be able to tell plasmashell to open "without widgets" or in a "safe mode". I believe that if the widgets would not be started, the desktop would appear without a problem. Then, it would be possible to resolve the widget issues within the graphical environment.


          no there is some thing wrong with the new release , the new release iso dont work in vmware or in virtualbox after reboot blackscreen


            I upgraded a desktop server 64bit from 15.10 to 16.04 with this issue. I have Yakuake start automatically so I can get to a terminal screen. I start plasmashell from the command line and see that plasmashell seems to quit after attempting to start what looks to be a weather widget. I did a CTL-ALT-F2 and started a xfce desktop. It does not start the Nvidia drivers, but since the machine is a server, the desktop is not so important for a time. I'm in hope that this issue will have a resolution soon.
            However I also upgraded a Lenovo T540p and it upgraded without issue.


              After a plasma crash installing 16.04 from an iso disk, I came across a few interesting bug reports - the first one may be directly linked, and I wonder if the second one may be part of this. The second bug points out a problem installing Ubuntu when one has a combo of Skylake and Nvidia GPU, which is my setup.



                My son just completed upgrading his System76 Gazelle from 14.04 to 16.04 using the LiveUSB I gave him. He installed Synaptic, checked the remaining deb repositories, added kubicle's dolphin fix, installed lm-sensors and a temp widget. Next he's going to setup kmail and import his 5,000 emails and his FF json backup file.
                Last edited by GreyGeek; Apr 24, 2016, 03:22 PM.
                "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                  Originally posted by mach50 View Post
                  no there is some thing wrong with the new release , the new release iso dont work in vmware or in virtualbox after reboot blackscreen
                  Making a declarative statement such as this is neither helpful nor accurate for all user cases.

                  While I do have a 16.04 system running in an Oracle VirtualBox VM, which I've had since shortly after 16.04 became available for testing (late Alpha stage), I decided to validate your statement and downloaded the latest 16.04 LTS .iso from

                  I prepared a new VM with the following specs:

                  VM HDD Size: 50 GB
                  Base Memory: 4096 MB
                  Video Memory: 32 MB

                  Defaults were kept for Audio, Network and USB. I didn't set up Shared folders (at this time; in all my other VMs, Shared folders are set up).

                  I selected the downloaded .iso file (kubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso) for use with the new VM and launched it. The Desktop window that contains the link for installing 16.04 was undersized but easily resized. I double-clicked on the Installation link and it started as expected. I chose, as I always do, NOT to download while installing or to install third-party applications; I do those tasks after installation and a reboot.

                  I manually configured my VM HDD with swap, root (/), and home (/home) partitions. Grub installed to the default VM HDD location of /dev/sda.

                  After the installation completed, I was instructed to reboot. I was left at a tty1 login prompt screen which isn't 'normal'. I waited, but the shutdown/reboot didn't proceed, so I simply instructed Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager to Close > Power Off. Then I restarted the 16.04 VM and it booted, I was presented with the SDDM Login screen, I logged in, and was presented with my Desktop.

                  It all works as it is supposed to.

                  I am not suggesting that you didn't have issues; that is obvious from your comments. But what isn't obvious is how you set up your VMs and what your PC specifications are (virtualization of the Host hardware). Here, I'm running OS X El Capitan on an iMac Retina computer that has an AMD Radeon R9 M295X GPU with 4096 MB of RAM.
                  Last edited by Snowhog; Apr 24, 2016, 03:54 PM.
                  Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                  Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                  "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                    The original topic here was "black screen" after upgrade to 16.04.

                    I have two machines that I upgraded. Both are full installations to HD, not virtualbox or etc. One upgrade went perfectly. The other had the black screen as described with the original post here. So, I feel this may not be an isolated occurrence. Both machines have Nvidia cards. The Lenovo T540p has dual cards. The plasmashell should load regardless of Nvidia.

                    I upgraded a desktop server 64bit from 15.10 to 16.04 with this black screen issue. I have Yakuake start automatically so I can get to a terminal screen. I start plasmashell from the command line and see that plasmashell seems to quit after attempting to start what looks to be a weather widget. I did a CTL-ALT-F2 and started a xfce desktop. It does not start the Nvidia drivers, but since the machine is a server, the desktop is not so important for a time. I'm in hope that this issue will have a resolution soon.
                    However I also upgraded a Lenovo T540p and it upgraded without issue.
                    Last edited by gtrip; Apr 24, 2016, 10:36 PM.


                      I don't know if of a new kernel during the upgrade from 15.10 to 16.04 or of kde, but now the bluetooth adapter stalls after 12-18 hours of use with a bluetooth mouse. It requires a shutdown and restart for the bluetooth adapter to respond on a Lenovo 540p.

                      Another problem occurs sometimes after the lid close on the laptop to suspend. Sometimes the "title/command" bar will be gone on an application such as Firefox. Restart is the only option.

                      For business use, upgrading was a mistake. I should have waited. The black screen is still on my server as described above.

                      Thank you, "Snowhog" for your earlier comment.


                        Thought I'd give an update on my issue.
                        I search the internet and found many people having the same issue. I was able to get to console.
                        During boot, I have several options one of the options was to boot to "UpStart" mode. This would boot normally.

                        After spending several days of applying fixes. I found it easier to save data and do a fresh install.
                        The fresh install went flawless. So My 16.04 64 bit is working great. Took less time to set up the OS and reinstall my apps then I did trying to fix what went sideways during the install.


                          Originally posted by Buzzstpoint View Post
                          ... After spending several days of applying fixes. I found it easier to save data and do a fresh install.
                          The fresh install went flawless. So My 16.04 64 bit is working great. Took less time to set up the OS and reinstall my apps then I did trying to fix what went sideways during the install.
                          Sometimes I attempt to fix issues, or at least determine if the issue is hardware related, which a fresh install won't fix, but 99% of the time any issue that I can't resolve in 15 minutes I terminate with a fresh install from a fresh download, with checksums verified.
                          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

