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USB Audio Device Volume Control Problem

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    USB Audio Device Volume Control Problem

    I have an Avantre Leaf USB aptX Bluetooth Audio Adapter, and a pair of Avantree Bluetooth headphones. The Leaf is designed so that you pair the headphones with the adapter and not the PC, so that you can just plug the adapter into any PC and it will work. The PC just recognizes the USB adapter as an analog audio output and the Leaf handles all the Bluetooth smarts. So far it has worked flawlessly in Peppermint linux, Windows 7 and Windows 10.

    I recently installed Kubuntu on my HP 2570p, and when I use my Avantree Leaf on this PC the volume control on the Bluetooth headphones controls the OS volume sliders. This wouldn't be a problem, but the volume acts like it is fighting with its self somewhere. When I press the volume up or down from the headphone sometimes it jumps wildly rather than gradually, sometimes it increases and then immediatly drops back down to it's previous level prior to it being presses, press up again and it jumps 2 or 3 levels.

    Ideally I'd prefer the headphone volume control to not effect the volume sliders in the OS. This is how it behaves in Windows, and I'd prefer the same behavior in Kubuntu. Basically I want to be able to adjust the volume at both the OS, and the headphones independently, so if I wanted max volume I'd first have to max it in the OS, then on the headphones. How can I change this behavior?

    If that isn't possible I'd at least like to get the volume control to operate smoothly. I attempted the steps on here: but when I got to the step "pulseaudio -k" nothing happened I just got the error "Failed to kill daemon: No such file or directory
    " so I reverted my changes back to the default.

    Any help is appreciated. I am fairly new to using linux as a desktop, but I am an IT professional that has been working in the field for about 6 years. So I have experience and comfort in the cli.

    Also this may or may not be related, but when I go to System Settings -> Multimedia -> Audio Volume, that screen is blank. If I click on Audio and Video I can see that panels controls details.

    You can check the pulseaudo man page and you will see that the command "pulseaudio -k" will kill the daemon, which *should* automatically restart. Any running audio apps will have to be restarted as well. The daemon is running as a user process so it should be visible in KSysGuard (KSystemGuard). It should be running automatically when you log in.

    With the USB device plugged in what does lsusb give?

    And, what does KSystemLog report on the events?

    (It may not be relevant but keep this in mind.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

