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Kubuntu 16.04 - wifi issue - no network found then found

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    Kubuntu 16.04 - wifi issue - no network found then found

    I loaded 16.04 on a machine at home. Up until now with Kubuntu 14.04 the machine was talking to my router via wifi. No problems at all.

    In 16.04 it does not work 'out of the box.' This after 2 previous failed installs and no wifi.

    KDE starts and it is like wifi does not exist. No networks found. In fact the wifi icon is not displayed. Usually means no wireless adapter found.

    I may have found the cause by accident. I thought that maybe my wireless adapter (DW-130) was not working properly so I replaced it with another. As soon I replaced the unit wifi came alive. I configured the connection and it worked.

    Well, not really . . .

    When I shutdown and powered up, the same happened no networks found.

    After some playing around I found that if I disconnected the USB network adapter when the desktop is shown and almost immediately plugged it in in the same port wifi worked. That is the workaround. I moved the USB connection from the back to the front of my machine. It is inconvenient but it works.

    Can anyone shed any light on what may be happening? or does someone need any techie info? I don't know where to start other than a loading sequence somewhere.

    Thank You

    Until you give specific information no one can help you with anything but wild guesses!
    What is the make and model of your computer AND the two wifi devices you tried?
    In your next post include the output of
    sudo lspci
    sudo lshw
    as well.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.



      Thank You for the reply.

