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cpu scaling not working

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    cpu scaling not working

    hi, I installed kubuntu 16.04 not long ago and my cpu is stuck at 800Mhz, how to enable cpu scaling?

    It worked without problems on 14.04

    my CPU is a i7-4500 Haswell.

    i tried to install cpufreqd, nothing changes
    I don't really know what to install or not and frankly it should work out of the box, what is missing?

    output of cpufreq-info
    cpufrequtils 008: cpufreq-info (C) Dominik Brodowski 2004-2009
    Bitte melden Sie Fehler an
    analysiere CPU 0:
      Treiber: intel_pstate
      Folgende CPUs laufen mit der gleichen Hardware-Taktfrequenz: 0
      Die Taktfrequenz folgender CPUs werden per Software koordiniert: 0
      Maximale Dauer eines Taktfrequenzwechsels: 0.97 ms.
      Hardwarebedingte Grenzen der Taktfrequenz: 800 MHz - 3.00 GHz
      mögliche Regler: performance, powersave
      momentane Taktik: die Frequenz soll innerhalb 800 MHz und 3.00 GHz.
                        liegen. Der Regler "powersave" kann frei entscheiden,
                        welche Taktfrequenz innerhalb dieser Grenze verwendet wird.
      momentane Taktfrequenz ist 800 MHz.
    analysiere CPU 1:
      Treiber: intel_pstate
      Folgende CPUs laufen mit der gleichen Hardware-Taktfrequenz: 1
      Die Taktfrequenz folgender CPUs werden per Software koordiniert: 1
      Maximale Dauer eines Taktfrequenzwechsels: 0.97 ms.
      Hardwarebedingte Grenzen der Taktfrequenz: 800 MHz - 3.00 GHz
      mögliche Regler: performance, powersave
      momentane Taktik: die Frequenz soll innerhalb 3.00 GHz und 3.00 GHz.
                        liegen. Der Regler "powersave" kann frei entscheiden,
                        welche Taktfrequenz innerhalb dieser Grenze verwendet wird.
      momentane Taktfrequenz ist 800 MHz.
    analysiere CPU 2:
      Treiber: intel_pstate
      Folgende CPUs laufen mit der gleichen Hardware-Taktfrequenz: 2
      Die Taktfrequenz folgender CPUs werden per Software koordiniert: 2
      Maximale Dauer eines Taktfrequenzwechsels: 0.97 ms.
      Hardwarebedingte Grenzen der Taktfrequenz: 800 MHz - 3.00 GHz
      mögliche Regler: performance, powersave
      momentane Taktik: die Frequenz soll innerhalb 3.00 GHz und 3.00 GHz.
                        liegen. Der Regler "powersave" kann frei entscheiden,
                        welche Taktfrequenz innerhalb dieser Grenze verwendet wird.
      momentane Taktfrequenz ist 800 MHz.
    analysiere CPU 3:
      Treiber: intel_pstate
      Folgende CPUs laufen mit der gleichen Hardware-Taktfrequenz: 3
      Die Taktfrequenz folgender CPUs werden per Software koordiniert: 3
      Maximale Dauer eines Taktfrequenzwechsels: 0.97 ms.
      Hardwarebedingte Grenzen der Taktfrequenz: 800 MHz - 3.00 GHz
      mögliche Regler: performance, powersave
      momentane Taktik: die Frequenz soll innerhalb 3.00 GHz und 3.00 GHz.
                        liegen. Der Regler "powersave" kann frei entscheiden,
                        welche Taktfrequenz innerhalb dieser Grenze verwendet wird.
      momentane Taktfrequenz ist 800 MHz.

    ? ,,,are you sure ,,,,,,,,,,,,,hear , open a konsole ,,,,,type in this

    watch -n1 "cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "MHz" "
    this will display the MHz of the cores the system sees updated every second ,,,,,,,,now do somthing and see if the numbers do not go up .

    when done "watching" press Ctrl+c to stop it .......wile the konsole has focus

    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
    16GB RAM
    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


      Originally posted by vinnywright View Post
      ? ,,,are you sure ,,,,,,,,,,,,,hear , open a konsole ,,,,,type in this

      watch -n1 "cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "MHz" "
      this will display the MHz of the cores the system sees updated every second ,,,,,,,,now do somthing and see if the numbers do not go up .

      when done "watching" press Ctrl+c to stop it .......wile the konsole has focus

      the output shows constantly 799.968 even with CPU close to 98% load


        hi i tried it now on my old 14.04 kubuntu and it works.

        here the output of
        pufrequtils 008: cpufreq-info (C) Dominik Brodowski 2004-2009
        Bitte melden Sie Fehler an
        analysiere CPU 0:
          Treiber: acpi-cpufreq
          Folgende CPUs laufen mit der gleichen Hardware-Taktfrequenz: 0
          Die Taktfrequenz folgender CPUs werden per Software koordiniert: 0
          Maximale Dauer eines Taktfrequenzwechsels: 10.0 us.
          Hardwarebedingte Grenzen der Taktfrequenz: 768 MHz - 2.40 GHz
          mögliche Taktfrequenzen: 2.40 GHz, 2.40 GHz, 2.30 GHz, 2.20 GHz, 2.00 GHz, 1.90 GHz, 1.80 GHz, 1.70 GHz, 1.50 GHz, 1.40 GHz, 1.30 GHz, 1.20 GHz, 1.10 GHz, 900 MHz, 800 MHz, 768 MHz
          mögliche Regler: conservative, ondemand, userspace, powersave, performance
          momentane Taktik: die Frequenz soll innerhalb 768 MHz und 1.80 GHz.
                            liegen. Der Regler "ondemand" kann frei entscheiden,
                            welche Taktfrequenz innerhalb dieser Grenze verwendet wird.
          momentane Taktfrequenz ist 1.80 GHz.
          Statistik:2.40 GHz:0,00%, 2.40 GHz:0,00%, 2.30 GHz:0,00%, 2.20 GHz:0,00%, 2.00 GHz:0,00%, 1.90 GHz:0,00%, 1.80 GHz:51,57%, 1.70 GHz:0,88%, 1.50 GHz:0,41%, 1.40 GHz:0,46%, 1.30 GHz:0,53%, 1.20 GHz:0,66%, 1.10 GHz:1,47%, 900 MHz:0,88%, 800 MHz:0,57%, 768 MHz:42,57%  (2211)
        analysiere CPU 1:
          Treiber: acpi-cpufreq
          Folgende CPUs laufen mit der gleichen Hardware-Taktfrequenz: 1
          Die Taktfrequenz folgender CPUs werden per Software koordiniert: 1
          Maximale Dauer eines Taktfrequenzwechsels: 10.0 us.
          Hardwarebedingte Grenzen der Taktfrequenz: 768 MHz - 2.40 GHz
          mögliche Taktfrequenzen: 2.40 GHz, 2.40 GHz, 2.30 GHz, 2.20 GHz, 2.00 GHz, 1.90 GHz, 1.80 GHz, 1.70 GHz, 1.50 GHz, 1.40 GHz, 1.30 GHz, 1.20 GHz, 1.10 GHz, 900 MHz, 800 MHz, 768 MHz
          mögliche Regler: conservative, ondemand, userspace, powersave, performance
          momentane Taktik: die Frequenz soll innerhalb 768 MHz und 1.80 GHz.
                            liegen. Der Regler "ondemand" kann frei entscheiden,
                            welche Taktfrequenz innerhalb dieser Grenze verwendet wird.
          momentane Taktfrequenz ist 1.80 GHz.
          Statistik:2.40 GHz:0,00%, 2.40 GHz:0,00%, 2.30 GHz:0,00%, 2.20 GHz:0,00%, 2.00 GHz:0,00%, 1.90 GHz:0,00%, 1.80 GHz:55,74%, 1.70 GHz:0,95%, 1.50 GHz:0,52%, 1.40 GHz:0,46%, 1.30 GHz:0,56%, 1.20 GHz:0,51%, 1.10 GHz:1,09%, 900 MHz:0,63%, 800 MHz:0,39%, 768 MHz:39,14%  (1979)
        analysiere CPU 2:
          Treiber: acpi-cpufreq
          Folgende CPUs laufen mit der gleichen Hardware-Taktfrequenz: 2
          Die Taktfrequenz folgender CPUs werden per Software koordiniert: 2
          Maximale Dauer eines Taktfrequenzwechsels: 10.0 us.
          Hardwarebedingte Grenzen der Taktfrequenz: 768 MHz - 2.40 GHz
          mögliche Taktfrequenzen: 2.40 GHz, 2.40 GHz, 2.30 GHz, 2.20 GHz, 2.00 GHz, 1.90 GHz, 1.80 GHz, 1.70 GHz, 1.50 GHz, 1.40 GHz, 1.30 GHz, 1.20 GHz, 1.10 GHz, 900 MHz, 800 MHz, 768 MHz                                
          mögliche Regler: conservative, ondemand, userspace, powersave, performance                                                                                                                                          
          momentane Taktik: die Frequenz soll innerhalb 768 MHz und 1.80 GHz.                                                                                                                                                 
                            liegen. Der Regler "ondemand" kann frei entscheiden,                                                                                                                                              
                            welche Taktfrequenz innerhalb dieser Grenze verwendet wird.                                                                                                                                       
          momentane Taktfrequenz ist 768 MHz.
          Statistik:2.40 GHz:0,00%, 2.40 GHz:0,00%, 2.30 GHz:0,00%, 2.20 GHz:0,00%, 2.00 GHz:0,00%, 1.90 GHz:0,00%, 1.80 GHz:54,26%, 1.70 GHz:0,93%, 1.50 GHz:0,38%, 1.40 GHz:0,30%, 1.30 GHz:0,47%, 1.20 GHz:0,59%, 1.10 GHz:1,59%, 900 MHz:0,80%, 800 MHz:0,57%, 768 MHz:40,12%  (2075)
        analysiere CPU 3:
          Treiber: acpi-cpufreq
          Folgende CPUs laufen mit der gleichen Hardware-Taktfrequenz: 3
          Die Taktfrequenz folgender CPUs werden per Software koordiniert: 3
          Maximale Dauer eines Taktfrequenzwechsels: 10.0 us.
          Hardwarebedingte Grenzen der Taktfrequenz: 768 MHz - 2.40 GHz
          mögliche Taktfrequenzen: 2.40 GHz, 2.40 GHz, 2.30 GHz, 2.20 GHz, 2.00 GHz, 1.90 GHz, 1.80 GHz, 1.70 GHz, 1.50 GHz, 1.40 GHz, 1.30 GHz, 1.20 GHz, 1.10 GHz, 900 MHz, 800 MHz, 768 MHz
          mögliche Regler: conservative, ondemand, userspace, powersave, performance
          momentane Taktik: die Frequenz soll innerhalb 768 MHz und 1.80 GHz.
                            liegen. Der Regler "ondemand" kann frei entscheiden,
                            welche Taktfrequenz innerhalb dieser Grenze verwendet wird.
          momentane Taktfrequenz ist 768 MHz.
          Statistik:2.40 GHz:0,00%, 2.40 GHz:0,00%, 2.30 GHz:0,00%, 2.20 GHz:0,00%, 2.00 GHz:0,00%, 1.90 GHz:0,00%, 1.80 GHz:65,61%, 1.70 GHz:0,82%, 1.50 GHz:0,50%, 1.40 GHz:0,30%, 1.30 GHz:0,55%, 1.20 GHz:0,51%, 1.10 GHz:1,11%, 900 MHz:0,59%, 800 MHz:0,30%, 768 MHz:29,72%  (1770)

        difference is that it is using acpi-cpufreq instead of intel_pstate driver. I found on the internet that there where some problems with it, but they should have been all long ago resolved, no?



          I tried it now with Kubuntu and Ubuntu Live CDs and get the same behavior!

          Does anyone know more about this?



            Disabled now intel_pstate, it goes now to 1.8GHz, but
            cpufreq-info shows that it supposed to scale up to 2.4GHz?

            tried KDE Neon, got the same behavior while fedora did not manage to boot.

            what is happening here?

            my Laptop is only 2 years old and i'm having still/already problems, don't even have Nvidia/AMD GPU.



              I am running Xerus an Acer Aspire 7739-6830 on an Intel Integrated Graphics Controller chip, 8GB of RAM, a i3-370M CPU with four core on Btrfs. My cores are constantly cycling between 933MHz and 1066MHz.
              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post
                I am running Xerus an Acer Aspire 7739-6830 on an Intel Integrated Graphics Controller chip, 8GB of RAM, a i3-370M CPU with four core on Btrfs. My cores are constantly cycling between 933MHz and 1066MHz.
                is it supposed to go only to 1066MHz? should it not go up to 2.4Ghz?


                  Kubuntu-16.04 with KDE-neon-dev/stable

                  this shot was taken about 1 second between each run ,,,,,,,it will routinely cycle up to 3900 if pressed

                  vinny@vinny-Bonobo-Extreme:~$ cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "MHz"
                  cpu MHz         : 900.019
                  cpu MHz         : 892.882
                  cpu MHz         : 822.421
                  cpu MHz         : 1651.640
                  cpu MHz         : 1762.542
                  cpu MHz         : 919.503
                  cpu MHz         : 908.402
                  cpu MHz         : 1013.527
                  vinny@vinny-Bonobo-Extreme:~$ cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "MHz"
                  cpu MHz         : 2784.792
                  cpu MHz         : 2900.226
                  cpu MHz         : 2900.113
                  cpu MHz         : 2900.453
                  cpu MHz         : 2042.460
                  cpu MHz         : 2900.226
                  cpu MHz         : 2900.113
                  cpu MHz         : 2900.566
                  vinny@vinny-Bonobo-Extreme:~$ cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "MHz"
                  cpu MHz         : 2880.742
                  cpu MHz         : 2900.113
                  cpu MHz         : 2900.000
                  cpu MHz         : 2900.226
                  cpu MHz         : 1895.761
                  cpu MHz         : 2887.652
                  cpu MHz         : 2724.867
                  cpu MHz         : 2900.679
                  i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                  16GB RAM
                  Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                    Originally posted by aexme View Post
                    is it supposed to go only to 1066MHz? should it not go up to 2.4Ghz?
                    It should. I'll stress it and see.. Yup, I fired up Minecraft and drove all four core to 2399 MHz for a while. Hit 1733 and 1836 too. Looks like the cpu freq scaling is working good on this hardware.
                    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                      Originally posted by aexme View Post
                      is it supposed to go only to 1066MHz? should it not go up to 2.4Ghz?
                      That would depend entirely on the demand placed on the CPU. Just because it is rated to (be able) run at 2.4Ghz, doesn't mean that it's going to ramp up to those speeds. If processes and loads are efficient and balanced, the CPU will work only as hard as it has to.
                      Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                        Hi, it works again, laptop was stuck in Battery mode!
                        Now works again with intel_pstate and in acpi-cpufreq, disconnecting and reconnecting from charger was enough.
                        Wasted 2 days! on that


