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Recent posting via RSS feed re Nemo network monitor. It's there on the repo, so I tried to install. Reverse dependency: it is its own dependant! How frequent is that
Rare. I've never encountered that in the Debian family. In the Red hat family I have once had A -> B -> C -> A. If you can identify the maintainer, they will probably appreciate a bug report.
If you're sitting wondering,
Which Batman is the best,
There's only one true answer my friend,
It's Adam Bloody West!
I would guess that if it was a ppa then you are going to take your chances but otherwise there will be quality control. Humans have been known to miss things on occasion though.
If you're sitting wondering,
Which Batman is the best,
There's only one true answer my friend,
It's Adam Bloody West!
Sorry - it's still there and wonky. It's KNemo, and a nebulous developer. Might be in process of porting to KDE5, but being still available in present state is a red herring.