So I have 2 monitors. but when I go places, I only take one with me. I figured I would make you xorg.conf files, one for the single monitor, and one for when I have both. Whenever one I wasn't using, I would name something different, and switch off when I went between one and 2 monitors
. Now, I have graphics, steam opens fine, yakuake starts fine, and using yaquake I can start chrome. My multiple desktops work, I have all 4 I normally have. Even my keybind for the show desktop grid works. The problems start with the alt+space launcher, it will open, and I can type, but nothing will show up. The bar where my panel should be is there, or was until I tried to right click it. Another problem with the panel while it was visible is that it had literally nothing on it. I was totally blank. Right/left clicking the desktop does nothing, though it should give me menus. Also, I made keybinds to launch certain applications, and those DON'T work. I am running plasma 5.3 on Kubuntu, using the backports ppa. Looking at ksysguard, the main plasma desktop is not there, but I cant figure out the name of the program I should run int he console to see if it fixes it. I am running an Nvidia graphics card if that matters. Help would be much appreciated.
