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plasmashell high CPU load

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    plasmashell high CPU load

    Dear all,

    I am having a problem with plasmashell: whenever the notification icon is animated (like when moving a large file), plasmashell's CPU usage goes to 100%, and the whole desktop becomes very slow.

    I have googled a bit, and there are several bugs like this on the kde bug tracking, but all are marked as resolved.

    Am I the only one seeing this?

    It looks to me like a rather macroscopic defect for a public release, so I assume this must be happening only to a few users.
    Any hints on how to solve the issue (like disabling the animations in the notification icon) are welcome.



    I've been seeing the same too, for me it starts out fine but after a while plasmashell and Xorg hit 40% cpu between them.


      Not a solution, but I noticed "Track file transfers and other jobs" in Notification Settings (right click Notifications in the System Tray). Maybe turning that off will help as a workaround.


        Hi ronw,

        thanks for your reply. the thing is that if I turn that off, I don't have ANY progress indicator for file transfers anymore. Not even a notification saying "ok I'm done". The only way to know if a copy of a large file has finished is to periodically refresh the target folder in dolphin and compare original and copied sizes.

        Which is not really a workable solution




          I am also facing the same problem.

          After using the system for a while, I am noticing that gradually the CPU temp is increasing and also the plasmashell process is also reaching 15% of CPU usage. My CPU temp is showing above 90 degrees celsius at times.

          I am now using Kubuntu backports and on 5.3. Also to note that I am using nVidia Nouveau drivers.

          Is this because of display driver issue? Someone please help to at least find some workaround.
          Last edited by arindom; May 01, 2015, 06:45 AM.


            I consider the "show progress only in the notification area" to be a weird solution in any case. Perhaps nicer (if very well done) but hard to get it right. I wish the target window for the file copy would just have a progress bar embedded in it.


              Originally posted by xennex81 View Post
              I consider the "show progress only in the notification area" to be a weird solution in any case. Perhaps nicer (if very well done) but hard to get it right. I wish the target window for the file copy would just have a progress bar embedded in it.
              Yes, that would have been good.

              About the high CPU usage and high CPU temp, I further noticed that when there was no network, that means Wi-Fi is switched OFF, both the CPU usage and the temp comes down to a much lower value. CPU usage of Plasmashell shows about 6/7% and CPU temp hovers around 55-60 degress Celsius.
              Last edited by arindom; May 01, 2015, 06:45 AM.


                It looks like, now the issue of high CPU usage for "plasmashell" and high CPU temp is not happening anymore for my system.

                I had the Network widget ON. I just turned it OFF and now both the issues seems to be resolved, at least in my case. Plasmashell is now using 0.8% of CPU at the normal level usage and also the CPU temp has reduced to 56 degrees Celsius.


                  arindom has it spot-on! That is definitely the issue. It was similar in Plasma 4 but not as bad as this. Kind of a showstopper in my book being such an "advancement" for KDE. I hope this is just growing pains of a new codebase, otherwise, it will really not just suck up resources and increase load but shorten the life of our machines. That kind of planned obsolescence is not a good plan when the beauty of Linux is the ability to stretch out the life of your machine. Save the planet, eh?

