Laptop: upgraded from 14.10 to 15.04 with Muon. Thought the upgrade went okay until reboot. The panel (I have it at top) no longer had the icons for my favorite apps. Thought that was an upgrade glitch or maybe 15.04 didn't allow icons there anymore. Then I noticed that the screen flickered. The panel would disappear for less than a second and come back and then random lines across the screen would do the same. The screen would be okay for a minute or two more or less and then it would happen again. If I tried moving an icon to the panel like I used to be able to do, the panel would crash and the icon would disappear. So no icons on the panel. Would have to use the kick-starter to start all programs under 15.04. Wondered if that was a bug or if the developers had decided to do things that way. Stayed with for 2 or 3 days, no change. Panel would crash during random times even when I wasn't trying to drag icons to the panel. The screen flickering never went away.
Desktop: After the upgrade on the laptop, I wasn't too sure if I wanted to do the desktop also, but I had the 14.04 DVD and I had written a 15.04 DVD (past experience has taught me to ALWAYS write the DVD BEFORE trying an upgrade) So I tried the 14.10 to 15.04 upgrade with Muon. The upgrade went okay until the actual write to disk, i.e., the downloading finished. The installation progress bar got to 89% and just hung there. After about 30 minutes I knew it was hung and going nowhere. I remember that a previous installation from CD would do the same. Maybe this was a re-surface of the same bug
So powered down, inserted the 15.04 DVD and booted into the installation. The installation finished and the machine re-booted. Well almost rebooted. After choosing the OS to boot I got a black screen that never went away. No Kubuntu.
So I downloaded Ubuntu 15.04 and wrote to DVD. Ran the disc and played with Ubuntu before installing and once again discovered the fundamental reasons I cannot stand Ubuntu - too much to go into here. But maybe Ubuntu would give me a working installation ?!?! Installed and found that Ubuntu did the same thing on booting on my desktop that Kubuntu did. So the problem (at least on my desktop) is common to both Ubuntu and Kubuntu. But that is no help to getting me a working machine.
So Ubuntu and Kubuntu 15.04 simple do not work on my desktop. Period. They will not boot - neither one.
The upgrade on the laptop runs - kinda, maybe. The panel crashes and is useless. It flickers off and then on. There are random flickering streaks across the screen. So Kubuntu 15.04 doesn't really work on the laptop either.
Don't really know if the desktop screen would have the same flickering issues as the laptop, couldn't get either Ubuntu or Kubuntu to boot.
So I have re-installed 14.04 on both the laptop and the desktop. Took a few days to remember and install most (all?) of the programs I have come to rely on.
This is beyond a doubt the worst upgrade/install experience I have ever had with Linux for any distro (Well Red Hat, Kubuntu, Ubuntu since those are the only ones I have really used extensively).
At this point I have decided to wait for 16.04 whenever that is supposed to happen. Hopefully by that time the developers will have isolated and fixed the problems. Maybe 15 was too big a step and the schedule was pushed too hard. Don't really know since I don't follow the development that closely.
The little experience I had with 15.04 on the laptop convinced me that I probably do not like the direction the developers are going. It looked like they have continued their push to take control away from the user and make more options disappear. One that really bugged me was the time format. I like 24 hour time format. The ability to use 24 hour time format seemed to have disappeared. The only way to set the time format that I could find was to pick a country and then suffer with whatever the developers had decided was the national time format for that country. Seems rather arrogant and short sighted to me. Heck I live in the USA and I personally know many people that use very different time and date formats. For time some like HH:MM:SS, others like hh:mm AM/PM others like hh:mm:ss AM/PM I know at least one that likes MM:HH (that one throws me every time I try to read the time off his screen ??)., but he has the choice to do it that way. I cannot image anyone arrogant enough to pick a National time format for the US. Date format for the US would be even harder. In my development there are so many different nationalities, we could host our own UN. Now how anyone could decide that they know better than anyone that all of those people should use the same date format and what that date format should is just nonsense. So all of those people should pick a country and hope that the developers have picked the date format for that country that the person likes
Most were born in the USA and so don't even know the date format of their ancestors. I just don't understand the problem the developers have with letting the user dictate their own format.
Of course the problem could be that the upgrade on my laptop was so badly corrupted, that my experience in trying to set the time/date formats can not be trusted either.
I have been reading up on KVM and Qemu. Have installed on 14.04 and am thinking of experimenting with any upgrade in the future (possibly 16.04) before upgrading/installing. Would I get the same experience in a virtual machine as a native install??
Desktop: After the upgrade on the laptop, I wasn't too sure if I wanted to do the desktop also, but I had the 14.04 DVD and I had written a 15.04 DVD (past experience has taught me to ALWAYS write the DVD BEFORE trying an upgrade) So I tried the 14.10 to 15.04 upgrade with Muon. The upgrade went okay until the actual write to disk, i.e., the downloading finished. The installation progress bar got to 89% and just hung there. After about 30 minutes I knew it was hung and going nowhere. I remember that a previous installation from CD would do the same. Maybe this was a re-surface of the same bug

So I downloaded Ubuntu 15.04 and wrote to DVD. Ran the disc and played with Ubuntu before installing and once again discovered the fundamental reasons I cannot stand Ubuntu - too much to go into here. But maybe Ubuntu would give me a working installation ?!?! Installed and found that Ubuntu did the same thing on booting on my desktop that Kubuntu did. So the problem (at least on my desktop) is common to both Ubuntu and Kubuntu. But that is no help to getting me a working machine.
So Ubuntu and Kubuntu 15.04 simple do not work on my desktop. Period. They will not boot - neither one.
The upgrade on the laptop runs - kinda, maybe. The panel crashes and is useless. It flickers off and then on. There are random flickering streaks across the screen. So Kubuntu 15.04 doesn't really work on the laptop either.
Don't really know if the desktop screen would have the same flickering issues as the laptop, couldn't get either Ubuntu or Kubuntu to boot.
So I have re-installed 14.04 on both the laptop and the desktop. Took a few days to remember and install most (all?) of the programs I have come to rely on.
This is beyond a doubt the worst upgrade/install experience I have ever had with Linux for any distro (Well Red Hat, Kubuntu, Ubuntu since those are the only ones I have really used extensively).
At this point I have decided to wait for 16.04 whenever that is supposed to happen. Hopefully by that time the developers will have isolated and fixed the problems. Maybe 15 was too big a step and the schedule was pushed too hard. Don't really know since I don't follow the development that closely.
The little experience I had with 15.04 on the laptop convinced me that I probably do not like the direction the developers are going. It looked like they have continued their push to take control away from the user and make more options disappear. One that really bugged me was the time format. I like 24 hour time format. The ability to use 24 hour time format seemed to have disappeared. The only way to set the time format that I could find was to pick a country and then suffer with whatever the developers had decided was the national time format for that country. Seems rather arrogant and short sighted to me. Heck I live in the USA and I personally know many people that use very different time and date formats. For time some like HH:MM:SS, others like hh:mm AM/PM others like hh:mm:ss AM/PM I know at least one that likes MM:HH (that one throws me every time I try to read the time off his screen ??)., but he has the choice to do it that way. I cannot image anyone arrogant enough to pick a National time format for the US. Date format for the US would be even harder. In my development there are so many different nationalities, we could host our own UN. Now how anyone could decide that they know better than anyone that all of those people should use the same date format and what that date format should is just nonsense. So all of those people should pick a country and hope that the developers have picked the date format for that country that the person likes

Of course the problem could be that the upgrade on my laptop was so badly corrupted, that my experience in trying to set the time/date formats can not be trusted either.
I have been reading up on KVM and Qemu. Have installed on 14.04 and am thinking of experimenting with any upgrade in the future (possibly 16.04) before upgrading/installing. Would I get the same experience in a virtual machine as a native install??