Having discovered it a couple of years ago, I've installed HP's printer support suite, outsourced to hplipopensource.net a few times, always successfully. That is, I get a printer and printer fax icon (two) in the Settings/Printers dialog, both of which have context menus available, and an HP icon put in the System tray whose context menu yields a Device Manager and a Settings dialog.
Four people here have told me in response to my question of how to get the same thing via Kubuntu's automatic detection and installation system in the Transitioners section that that should be the case naturally, i.e., as part of the system. But I never get it. They've directed me through the process a number of times (but I've known how to do that anyway and done it, repeatedly), but still get a grossly incomplete installation. All I get is a printer icon in the Settings/Printers dialog with only three bits of functionality and no context menu to it: NO system tray icon, NO Device Manager, NO Settings button, NO printer fax icon.
I do know how to use the Package Manager and have done it quite a few times now in trying this installation.
Is there anyone here sufficiently intimate with Kubuntu's implementation of the hplip software to help me find the source of my incomplete printer installation procedure? I'd rather use the distro. software than the independently installed version, complete and functional as it is, if possible. Otherwise, I'll stick with the hplipopensource version. Thanks.
Four people here have told me in response to my question of how to get the same thing via Kubuntu's automatic detection and installation system in the Transitioners section that that should be the case naturally, i.e., as part of the system. But I never get it. They've directed me through the process a number of times (but I've known how to do that anyway and done it, repeatedly), but still get a grossly incomplete installation. All I get is a printer icon in the Settings/Printers dialog with only three bits of functionality and no context menu to it: NO system tray icon, NO Device Manager, NO Settings button, NO printer fax icon.
I do know how to use the Package Manager and have done it quite a few times now in trying this installation.
Is there anyone here sufficiently intimate with Kubuntu's implementation of the hplip software to help me find the source of my incomplete printer installation procedure? I'd rather use the distro. software than the independently installed version, complete and functional as it is, if possible. Otherwise, I'll stick with the hplipopensource version. Thanks.