Sometimes I write in French or German. For LibreOffice Writer, I've solved the issue of using the various accent marks over vowels that these foreign languages use, but English doesn't. I've made a couple toolbars that look like this:

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I used LO Writer's macro system to create each of the characters, and I can choose whichever I need via the toolbar or a hot key. In other words, in LibreOffice I'm in great shape for my foreign language needs. However, that's not the case in other applications, most notably Skype. I Skype about 3 times a week with people in France and Canada, and we don't just speak. We write things. I've been typing what I need to say in French in LO Writer and then pasting it into Skype. That's really awkward. There must be a way to type the special characters directly in via some kind of hot key set.
I did find what I think might be the answer, but I'm not quite there yet. I found this:
I would think that has turned on some way to type the French and German characters. However, the hot keys I've guessed have not worked. I tried Ctrl+' and then e hoping to get "é" for example. I tried it with the Alt and with the Meta key also. No luck.
I did find a widget to put in the panel where you can choose special characters from a menu, but that's about as awkward as splicing from LO Writer. If there's some way for me to type French and German directly into Skype with hot keys, that would be a God-send to me.

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I used LO Writer's macro system to create each of the characters, and I can choose whichever I need via the toolbar or a hot key. In other words, in LibreOffice I'm in great shape for my foreign language needs. However, that's not the case in other applications, most notably Skype. I Skype about 3 times a week with people in France and Canada, and we don't just speak. We write things. I've been typing what I need to say in French in LO Writer and then pasting it into Skype. That's really awkward. There must be a way to type the special characters directly in via some kind of hot key set.
I did find what I think might be the answer, but I'm not quite there yet. I found this:
System Settings ===> Input Devices ===> Keyboard ===> Advanced ===> Miscellaneous compatibility options ==> Enable extra typographic characters
I did find a widget to put in the panel where you can choose special characters from a menu, but that's about as awkward as splicing from LO Writer. If there's some way for me to type French and German directly into Skype with hot keys, that would be a God-send to me.