Since a couple of weeks I've been noticing issues putting my laptop to sleep that weren't there before.
- the process can take considerably longer if I suspend by closing the lid (hardware-initiated)
- the process never concludes when I use a software initiated message ("Suspend to RAM" from a "Leave" dialog), which is the method I usually prefer *); it simply locks the screen.
The reason for this becomes clear *after* waking the system from sleep, or after deactivating the screenlock:
"Authentication is required for suspending the system while other users are logged in"
After expansion, the Details section shows:
Action: "Suspend the system while other users are logged in"
Vendor: "The systemd Project" [Ah, right ... ]
polkit.subject-pid: points to kded4
polkit.called-pid: points to systemd-logind
The Action text is clickable and should allow me to edit org.freedesktop.login1.suspend-multiple-sessions but that doesn't work.
Here, "other users" means that I myself have logged in to a virtual terminal. It doesn't matter whether I still a: even after logging out from that session that pesky dialog still interferes with my main session.
Needless to say that it is of no use to unlock the screen and then enter my pw into that dialog: the suspension procedure will have been interrupted by then.
From what I can see, it's something from polkit that is responsible for this new behaviour.
Can it be unconfigured again one way or another? I'm an admin user, I should be able to suspend the system without having to authentify.
*) software in control of the hardware, not the other way round: this method gives me a smoother wake-from-sleep whereas with the other method I often see my session before the screen lock kicks in as configured.
Since a couple of weeks I've been noticing issues putting my laptop to sleep that weren't there before.
- the process can take considerably longer if I suspend by closing the lid (hardware-initiated)
- the process never concludes when I use a software initiated message ("Suspend to RAM" from a "Leave" dialog), which is the method I usually prefer *); it simply locks the screen.
The reason for this becomes clear *after* waking the system from sleep, or after deactivating the screenlock:
"Authentication is required for suspending the system while other users are logged in"
After expansion, the Details section shows:
Action: "Suspend the system while other users are logged in"
Vendor: "The systemd Project" [Ah, right ... ]
polkit.subject-pid: points to kded4
polkit.called-pid: points to systemd-logind
The Action text is clickable and should allow me to edit org.freedesktop.login1.suspend-multiple-sessions but that doesn't work.
Here, "other users" means that I myself have logged in to a virtual terminal. It doesn't matter whether I still a: even after logging out from that session that pesky dialog still interferes with my main session.
Needless to say that it is of no use to unlock the screen and then enter my pw into that dialog: the suspension procedure will have been interrupted by then.
From what I can see, it's something from polkit that is responsible for this new behaviour.
Can it be unconfigured again one way or another? I'm an admin user, I should be able to suspend the system without having to authentify.
*) software in control of the hardware, not the other way round: this method gives me a smoother wake-from-sleep whereas with the other method I often see my session before the screen lock kicks in as configured.