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Dolphin freezes when I try to overwrite files..... :/

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    Dolphin freezes when I try to overwrite files..... :/

    Basically, I run Kubuntu 14.04 LTS on an Acer C720, and whenever I try to overwrite ANY file with another of the same name, on ANY device, it freezes..... Everything else is fine, and, though this is a long-standing problem, it seems like no ammount of updating has fixed ANYTHING...... I can still copy any files to-and-fro, as long as they are not named the same as other files in the target device(s)/Directorie(s)..... ..... Help.....? :3

    If this is consistently reproducible, on a normal device & location like a /home folder on a hard drive, then you have a bug which you could report at

    What should happen, of course, is that you get a dialogue asking for a new name for the file.

    But it would be good to search first (I can't see anything immediately) and you'd need to provide precise steps that cause the problem, and symptoms - although if "freezing" is the only thing there's not a lot to go on!

    Have you tried starting dolphin from a console and checking for any error messages output?

    Is there any chance that the rename dialogue is there but off-screen or hidden under other windows?
    I'd rather be locked out than locked in.


      Hello good sir..... :3 I'll check it out with one of my many Terminals (LOVE Terminals..... XD) Also, I DO get a Dialog Box asking for a name change..... It also worked fine on myn Inspiron 1420, though, I had to opt for Lubuntu instead of Kubuntu, since it was an older Machine..... Though LXDE is a FINE alternative....... So it seems that it's Machine-Specific....... :/ Lemme check it out in the Terminal..... Can't believe I hadn't thought of that.......


        Okay..... I used Ksnapshot (I LOVE that thing..... ) This is what I got..... And yes, I have a pic of Sakura for Sakura..... :3 I'll also post this to Thanks!.....


        I hope they don't reveal TOO much.....


          Do I see sudo dolphin there? Don't ever run Dolphin with sudo! kdesudo if for some reason you need root access. But you should make it reproducible without root use.

          If you get that dialogue box I am confuse. When is the freeze? If you're going to report a bug you'll probably be asked to be a lot more precise so people can understand

          Also you should copy and paste text when you are talking about console messages. Those screenshots are pretty hard to read.
          I'd rather be locked out than locked in.


            Oh..... Sorry..... I didn't know about kdesudo..... Kool!..... Well, the freeze happens at the time of replacing files with the same name..... Oh, and......... Sorry about the Screenshots..... It's sometimes hard to tell if they're readable or not, so, as a general rule, I'll just C/P the Output from now on..... :3 Oh, and on a side note, I just recently found out about changing the Window Theme from an article.....! :3 About time, too..... I've been using Kubuntu for about a YEAR now!..... XD Also, as you can see, I LIKE the Ghost Color's and the Theme..... :3 But what else do I need, in regards to Bug Reporting.....?

