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Unable to save konsole profile modification : "couldn't lock local file"

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    Unable to save konsole profile modification : "couldn't lock local file"

    Hello everybody,

    I try to change my Konsole profile (Settings > Manage Profils > Edit Profile > Appearance, and I choose another theme).
    When I then click on the "Apply" button I have the strange following error message:
    couldn't lock local file
    The modifications of the theme are applied in the current konsole but if I open a new konsole I still have the default theme.
    I have the same issue if I use sudo.
    Do you have any idea how to solve this problem?

    Your use of sudo is the problem here.

    NEVER run a gui program with sudo. Config file permissions get mucked up when you do so, which is why you are unable to save any settings changes.

    To fix:
    sudo chown -R your-username:your-username /home/your-username


      To expand slightly: Use "sudo" to elevate to root a non-GUI command line program in a terminal. Use "kdesudo" to elevate to root a GUI program.

      In this case, Konsole is a GUI launched terminal emulator, and therefore needs "kdesudo" to be launched as root.

      However, the safer, more preferred method (and easier in my view) in this case would be to launch Konsole as your regular user then elevate to root inside the Konsole terminal by using sudo -i to stay at root level for several commands (exit will return you to normal user) or even just using sudo in front of every command you need root level for.

      Use Claydoh's command to fix your home folder and report back if the error persists.

      Please Read Me


        Originally posted by oshunluvr View Post
        To expand slightly: Use "sudo" to elevate to root a non-GUI command line program in a terminal. Use "kdesudo" to elevate to root a GUI program.

        In this case, Konsole is a GUI launched terminal emulator, and therefore needs "kdesudo" to be launched as root.

        However, the safer, more preferred method (and easier in my view) in this case would be to launch Konsole as your regular user then elevate to root inside the Konsole terminal by using sudo -i to stay at root level for several commands (exit will return you to normal user) or even just using sudo in front of every command you need root level for.
        Muchas gracias, Señor! A slight, but very significant expansion.


          Thanks for the replies.
          Unfortunately the problem persists.

          I don't know if it may help but I have the following error lines when I run a konsole :
          QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.
          Bus::open: Can not get ibus-daemon's address. 
          IBusInputContext::createInputContext: no connection to ibus-daemon


            Those errors are normal and not related to your issue.

            Please post the output of:

            ls -l ~/.kde/share/apps/konsole

            Please Read Me


               -rwxrwxr-x 1 zach zach 1052 janv. 30 12:39 /home/zach/.kde/share/apps/konsole


                Well, that makes no sense. If you ran the command I posted from above, you would get something like this if the directory had files:
                $ ls -l ~/.kde/share/apps/konsole
                total 12
                -rw------- 1 stuart stuart 761 May 24 2014 DarkPastels.colorscheme
                -rw------- 1 stuart stuart 202 May 11 2014 desktop.profile
                -rw------- 1 stuart stuart 164 May 12 2014 Shell.profile
                or this if it was empty

                $ ls -l ~/.kde/share/apps/konsole
                total 0

                It appears somehow a file was created called konsole and is blocking you from creating a directory to save into. Try this:

                mv ~/.kde/share/apps/konsole ~/.kde/share/apps/konsole.bad

                and then run konsole again and see if you can save your settings.

                Please Read Me


                  Yes konsole is currently a file. A try to move it right know.


                    And know it works! I have no idea why there was a file named "konsole" there...

                    Anyway thank you very much!


                      You're welcome. You can probably delete the old file now. I always default to move before delete to make sure nothing gets permanently broken in the process.

                      Please Read Me

