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Clean Dolphin's Move-To target-destinations list?

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    Clean Dolphin's Move-To target-destinations list?

    Dolphin, in 14.04. When you right-click on a file, you may choose to Copy To or Move To (for that file), right? After using those functions for awhile, the list of options--folders--you are given (in the menu for where to Copy To or Move To) can build up; that list of options is built from previous target-destinations you've specified/used.

    Question is: How do you "clean" that list of target-destination folders in that options menu? Or for privacy reasons, you might want to do so, apart from the extensive and difficult-to-read clutter in that long list. It keeps track of ALL the target-destinations you've specified. Sweeper, Bleachbit do not clean this. I checked the list of installed files under Dolphin (in Muon), but can't make much sense of it in guessing where that list is stored, and if it is editable.

    I was working under a folder F1, moving and copying files from subfolders to other subfolders of F1, and thus generating quite a long list of target-destinations in the Move To and Copy To menus. However, let's say I work under another folder at the same level as F1, say F2. And I begin moving and copying files under F2 to various subfolders of F2. I still get the same menu of target-destinations in the Move To and Copy To menus that I got when working under F1. Yet, F1 and F2 have nothing to do with each other, and so that's another reason to want to clear those target-destination lists.
    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski

    They're stored in the file ~/.kde/share/config/dolphinrc, section [kuick-copy] (yes, misspelled). Open the file in Kate and delete that section.


      Yes, sir, that did it. And I checked to see that those sections (for move and copy) do regenerate appropriately.

      Thanks a lot!
      An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


        Of course, the file dolphinrc is a generated file and would not appear in a list of installed files. I can also, now, see the more general usefulness of knowing/remembering the folder ~/.kde/share/config. Things have gone too smoothly for my Kubuntu OS installs this past few years. Thank goodness for the occasional, rare issue I encounter, or I wouldn't learn anything new. Trick is remembering stuff that you use only rarely, though I do keep a file on these things that come up.
        Thanks, again, Steve.
        An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


          So basically I guessed. We know that in KDE, text files contain all configs. Files ending in "rc" often contain such configuration information (the history of "rc" is interesting and predates Unix). So first I searched for any Dolphin related files:
          find -iname '*dolphin*'
          One of the interesting files in the result was ./.kde/share/config/dolphinrc. So I typed the following:
          watch -n 1 tail -n 20 ~/.kde/share/config/dolphinrc
          tail -n 20 displays the last 20 lines of a specified file. watch -n 1 runs the specified command (here, tail) every second and displays the output until it's interrupted. After I started this, I opened Dolphin and performed a copy. Once I closed Dolphin, the [kuick-copy] section appeared in the watch output. This confirmed my suspicion about where these records are kept.

          Of course, my technique made an assumption: that the configuration information would be written to the end of the file. If it were written elsewhere, it may not have appeared on the screen. watch won't "scroll" the output of commands.


            Interesting. I appreciate and enjoy reading these posts. Worst case, in this case, assuming a search didn't turn up gobs of promising results, would be to open each such promising rc or otherwise text file to see what's there. Here, ~/.kde/share/config does also contain other stuff similar to the Dolphin case; e.g., Dragon Player's recent played files are there (but there's a menu in Dragon Player for cleaning it w/o accessing this rc file). Thanks for the follow-up.
            An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski

