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krename broken?

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    krename broken?

    When I launch krename, then click the Add Files button, it displays a modal window and then loops, and I can never select a directory where the files I want to rename can be found. I did a purge and re-install and got exactly the same result.

    I tried the alternative in the packages - Gwenrename or something like that - and it comes nowhere near the power of krename, and doesn't appear to do what I need to do.


    1. Is anyone else able to get krename to run? I see no complaints about this in the forums, but I also have no idea why it won't run for me.

    2. I want to remove N characters from the beginning of a set of file names in a directory with a lot of files. Is there other way to do this that doesn't require me to be a regular expression guru?

    I don't think I've ever used krename--I do stuff like this at a command line. So, to answer your question:

    2. I want to remove N characters from the beginning of a set of file names in a directory with a lot of files. Is there other way to do this that doesn't require me to be a regular expression guru?
    This is easily done at a prompt, and YOU don't need to be a regular expression guru! Just let us know the details, such as: is it the same number of characters for each file name? what would an original name and a revised name look like?
    Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


      If you run krename from a console, then click the Add button, do any error messages appear in the console window?

      I just installed it here and can't replicate the problem you're seeing.

      Alternately, you can do this at the command line:
      for FILE in $(find . -maxdepth 1 -type f); do mv $FILE ${FILE:[i]M[/i]}; done
      Where M is N+2. If you need to remove the first 8 characters, then M is 10. This is because the output of find includes ./ at the beginning of each file name. maxdepth instructs the command not to descend into subdirectories. -type f instructs the command to match only files, not subdirectories.

      Alternately, you could run
      rename 's/^.{[i]N[/i]}//' *
      Where N is N. Here, * matches everything, including subdirectories. You could narrow this down a bit, of course.
      Last edited by SteveRiley; Sep 30, 2014, 03:28 PM.


        Picking directories - at here(*)

        1) With the Ctrl

        Press the Ctrl key while clicking the folder.

        2) With the mouse

        Paint the wanted folders.

        More of the mouse use:

        3) With the context menu from the KDE file manager

        Right click the folder and pick the KRename service menu...

        => At here(*), the folder/file picking is working.

        :~$ krename -v
        Qt: 4.8.6
        KDE Development Platform: 4.13.3
        KRename: 4.0.9
        Last edited by Rog132; Sep 30, 2014, 02:52 AM.
        A good place to start: Topic: Top 20 Kubuntu FAQs & Answers
        Searching FAQ's: Google Search 'FAQ from Kubuntuforums'


          Works fine here, just like Rog, but I never launch it first. I always use the servicemenu.

          Please Read Me

