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Windows Stuck to the Top of the Screen

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    Windows Stuck to the Top of the Screen

    After updating the software recently, whenever a window opens, it appears at the top left of the screen. The window chrome and handles are not shown, so I can't move the window. I tried deleting the plasma-* files in the .kde4 config folder, but that didn't help.

    If the window borders are not shown, it usually means that kwin (kde's window manager) is not running...this may be because there's a problem with it or it has been removed in the upgrade.

    First thing is to check that 'kde-window-manager' package is installed, and install it if it's not (just to make sure nothing essential has been removed, it's safer to also install 'kubuntu-desktop' package that depends on all essential packages, including the window manager).

    Once installed, try starting kwin with Alt+F2 and run "kwin --replace", and if that doesn't work, try the same command from konsole to check if there are any errors reported in the terminal.


      Originally posted by kubicle View Post
      If the window borders are not shown, it usually means that kwin (kde's window manager) is not running...this may be because there's a problem with it or it has been removed in the upgrade.

      First thing is to check that 'kde-window-manager' package is installed, and install it if it's not (just to make sure nothing essential has been removed, it's safer to also install 'kubuntu-desktop' package that depends on all essential packages, including the window manager).

      Once installed, try starting kwin with Alt+F2 and run "kwin --replace", and if that doesn't work, try the same command from konsole to check if there are any errors reported in the terminal.
      Thanks. You may have saved me another re-install. I had a major issue upgrading recently. Hope this doesn't become the norm. I've been with Kubutnu for years and it's been stable.

      For some reason, Kubuntu doesn't respond to any Alt key commands - may be the keyboard. Konsole works.


        Originally posted by pearsonbe View Post
        Konsole works.
        Then I'd suggest running the following in konsole, report any errors:
        1. sudo dpkg --configure -a (configure all packages that might have been left unconfigured)
        2. sudo apt-get --reinstall install kubuntu-desktop (make sure everything essential is installed)
        3. sudo apt-get -f install (try to fix any broken packages)


          Kubicle, you were right. Kwin wasn't installed for some reason. After reinstalling the desktop and a restart, everything seems fine now. Thanks again.

