Hello, how can I set the volume level for the optical output?
If I change the volume, the actual volume doesn't change until 0 when it becomes mute.
The only thing I can change is the volume related to the application but I want to set the general volume controller, not the application-specific.
As long as I experienced KDE distros (openSUSE and Kubuntu derivatives (Mint KDE and Netrunner)), everyone had the same problem. Only with Mint with Cinnamon I was able to set this specific volume. But I prefer KDE for many reasons.
Any help will be appreciated.
If I change the volume, the actual volume doesn't change until 0 when it becomes mute.
The only thing I can change is the volume related to the application but I want to set the general volume controller, not the application-specific.
As long as I experienced KDE distros (openSUSE and Kubuntu derivatives (Mint KDE and Netrunner)), everyone had the same problem. Only with Mint with Cinnamon I was able to set this specific volume. But I prefer KDE for many reasons.
Any help will be appreciated.