I have a makefile to build my game on Linux.
How would I modify the following makefile to force 32Bit compilation on 64Bit computers?
Here is the makefile:
I have a makefile to build my game on Linux.
How would I modify the following makefile to force 32Bit compilation on 64Bit computers?
Here is the makefile:
# LettersFall[TM] 4 - MAKEFILE by JeZ+Lee & mattmatteh... # (C)opyright 2012 By www.16BitSoft.com TARGET = lf4 VERSION = 4.0 DEL_FILE = rm -f CC = g++ CFLAGS = -pipe -Wall -g #-"ggdb" SDL_CFLAGS = $(shell sdl-config --cflags) SDL_LIBS = $(shell sdl-config --libs) OPENGL_LIBS = -lGL SDL_TTF_LIBS = -lSDL_ttf SDL_IMAGE_LIBS = -lSDL_image SDL_MIXER_LIBS = -lSDL_mixer OBJECTS = src/main.o \ src/audio.o \ src/data.o \ src/initialize.o \ src/input.o \ src/interface.o \ src/logic.o \ src/screens.o \ src/settings.o \ src/visuals.o SOURCES = src/main.cpp \ src/audio.cpp \ src/data.cpp \ src/initialize.cpp \ src/input.cpp \ src/interface.cpp \ src/logic.cpp \ src/screens.cpp \ src/settings.cpp \ src/visuals.cpp HEADERS = src/audio.h \ src/data.h \ src/initialize.h \ src/input.h \ src/interface.h \ src/logic.h \ src/screens.h \ src/settings.h \ src/visuals.h $(TARGET): $(OBJECTS) $(CC) $(OBJECTS) $(SDL_LIBS) $(OPENGL_LIBS) $(SDL_TTF_LIBS) $(SDL_IMAGE_LIBS) $(SDL_MIXER_LIBS) -o $@ .cpp.o: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(SDL_CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ clean: rm $(OBJECTS) $(TARGET)