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Multiple file renamer I wrote runs under WINE

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    Multiple file renamer I wrote runs under WINE

    Back in 2003 until about 2006 I ran a freeware website with some Windows programs. It was not GNU freeware. It was only freeware in the sense that you did not have to pay money for it. I actually called it "careware," the idea being that you paid for the software via doing some kind of good deed like volunteering in a soup kitchen or helping a kid (not your own child) with his homework.

    My most popular program was a multiple file renamer named RenameStar. Today I wanted to see if it would run under WINE and it does. All the important stuff work. The help system doesn't work (though it might if you install the old Win 95 help system).

    I wrote the application in Microsoft Visual BASIC 6, which is now an obsolete language. When Microsoft switched to Visual BASIC.NET I did not go with them. The new language would break all my code. Plus, I didn't like a lot of things they did with it. I switched to REALbasic, though I never rewrote RenameStar in that. At one point I got heavy into photography and got away from programming.

    Now I'm learning C++, which is a lot different from VB (and harder in some ways), but offers a lot of advantages over VB, one of which is it can compile not just for Windows, but also for Linux and Mac. I'm considering rewriting RenameStar in C++ and compiling it for Linux. I'm curious if others would be interested in seeing this done. I would likely make it GNU this time around. There are other multiple file renamers for Linux with good features, though none of the approach it in the same way that I did with RS.

    Here are some screen shots. I'm also going to see if a zip file that includes the setup and instructions will attach here. I no longer have my web page. If that doesn't work, I'll see about a download link. It's me. There ain't no viruses, but you can scan it if you want.

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    I couldn't get it to attach, but I used We Transfer to make a download link. It should stay up for something like 10 days, I think, but if you can't get it and want it, let me know. Here's the download link:
    Kubuntu 22.04 (desktop & laptop), Windows 7 &2K (via VirtualBox on desktop PC)

    Kewl that:

    a) you did that....the donation of software thing.
    b) that you are doing the learning of a new language
    c) provided the download

    d) the download worked.
    e) the app is already set to be executable
    f) when "clicked" neither the setup or the app .exe worked, the black terminal screen appeared and then disappeared.

    Running latest and greatest Kubu with Wine.



      Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
      Kewl that:

      a) you did that....the donation of software thing.
      b) that you are doing the learning of a new language
      c) provided the download

      d) the download worked.
      e) the app is already set to be executable
      f) when "clicked" neither the setup or the app .exe worked, the black terminal screen appeared and then disappeared.

      Running latest and greatest Kubu with Wine.

      Don't left click on the setup.exe file (neither single nor double). Right click it and choose "Open with WINE Windows program loader." That should get the setup package running. Also be sure to read the text file "howtoinstall.txt" because there's an update to do to it after the install.

      Edit: After re-reading your post, I see what you did. Don't attempt to run RenameStar.exe off the bat. You have to run "setup.exe" to install the application. Visual BASIC programs have dependency files. The setup.exe file makes sure you get them. The RenameStar.exe file is an update file. You use that newer one to replace the older one, as explained in howtoinstall.txt. You copy the new RenameStar.exe file into the RenameStar directory, replacing the older one.
      Last edited by Tom_ZeCat; Jun 20, 2014, 05:45 PM.
      Kubuntu 22.04 (desktop & laptop), Windows 7 &2K (via VirtualBox on desktop PC)


        I apologize for not being more specific.

        I "clicked" both, and no joy, got the terminal like I said something I did not mention is that it immediately went away.

        In my particular install, I have 5 apps that run under WINE I have the following options, in linear order down in the right click requestor box:
        mono runtime (terminal)


        mono runtime

        Upon right clicking Q4Wine I got a bubble which stated:

        "Wine's library path for 32 and 64 bit is not set. Go to Q4wine for options."

        Upon closing I immediately had two menu boxes pop, sequentially upon closing the first.

        However there was no option in the menu items "to set a path", except possibly the one for using an existing fake drive and a new fake drive. I tried the new fake drive and no joy.

        I then went to the Start/applications/Wine menu item and there is now not the "old grainy DOS setup box" anymore, it all automagic, the WineTricks does not do anything when clicked, so I assume, maybe wrongly, that it is now all automagic.

        So, I could not find an obvious way to set the path, it can probably be done with terminal, but that is quite beyond this old doof.

        if you, or somebody, would care to give me EXPLICIT commands, all of them, in order, complete, I would be glad to enter them into terminal, I have no problem doing that for fear of breaking the system, I do all the sudo apt-get, you name it. stuff but that is about all.

        Upon right clicking the mono offerings all I got was the black terminal box, which again, immediately went away.

        Again, I apologize for not including the thing about the Q4 boxes, I just lumped it all together into "terminal" since none of them did anything.

        Last edited by woodsmoke; Jun 21, 2014, 04:02 AM.


          I'm honestly not sure why it's not working for you. You right click and choose "open with WINE Windows program loader", right?

          On a different Kubuntu laptop, I downloaded the same zip file, extracted it, and installed from it with no problems. I have WINE 1.6.2 on it set to the defaults. I did a google on the error message you quoted and found links of people complaining that the Ubuntu 14.04 made their WINE quit working. Here's one:

          Unfortunately, no one has answered their question yet. Are your other Windows/WINE applications still running?

          Another link that came up is here:

          Whether or not your other WINE apps still run will tell us if your WINE is broken. Does anyone here recognize what might be happening here?

          My little application has installed flawlessly under WINE on two of my laptops, but not for him. Btw, RenameStar runs after only installing with the setup.exe file whether or not you patch it with the newer RenameStar.exe file. That newer file simply contains the latest bug fixes.
          Kubuntu 22.04 (desktop & laptop), Windows 7 &2K (via VirtualBox on desktop PC)


            have not tryed it on the 14.04 install ,,,,,,,but hear in the 13.10 install , it installed just as you (Tom_ZeCat) describe and did indeed rename a bunch of .jpg's from a long list of numbers (like camera's like to name things) to
            vinny@vinny-HP-G62:~/temp/Camera$ ls
            01 (01).jpg 01 (02).jpg 01 (03).jpg 01 (04).jpg 01 (05).jpg 01 (06).jpg 01 (07).jpg 01 (08).jpg 01 (09).jpg 01 (10).jpg 01 (11).jpg 01 (12).jpg 01 (13).jpg
            just by typing 01 in the "rename to" box ,,,,,,,,,,,,,nice

            O and realy like that licence agreement

            i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
            16GB RAM
            Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


              OK so tried it in a 14.04 install ,,,,,,,,,wine is not installed by default so
              sudo apt-get install wine1.6
              gets it ..........................

              install of RenameStar was as before and works as well ,, just renamed those same files to,,,,,,,
              vinny@vinnys-HP-G62:~/Pictures/Camera$ ls
              nicks (01).jpg nicks (03).jpg nicks (05).jpg nicks (07).jpg nicks (09).jpg nicks (11).jpg nicks (13).jpg
              nicks (02).jpg nicks (04).jpg nicks (06).jpg nicks (08).jpg nicks (10).jpg nicks (12).jpg
              just by typing "nicks" in the rename to box

              i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
              16GB RAM
              Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores



                Using stock Ubuntu Unity 12.04 on a toshiba laptop,

                a) I tried the stock mono runtime and monot runtime terminal and got the black terminals which disappeared

                b) I then installed NOT WinQ4 but instead the stock WINE 1.5-I386 from using synaptic.

                When the setup.exe was "clicked' nothing happened.

                When I right clicked and chose WINE 1.5 it did, indeed, go through the "normal" grey old style Win XP setup. I accepted the EULA all that.

                However, in the WINE folder from startup/apps/WINE when I try to run the program in any way, I get a "setup" for where the files are to be placed by the app..

                But the app itself does not run.

                Hope this helps a little.




                  I have subsequently installed Q4Wine.

                  I did NOT do any further install of your app.

                  I went to Launch/apps/WINE and clicked the .exe and voila!

                  got the setup for the app.

                  It was basically just clicking through menus and accepting them because I didn't really know what was going on and got to a menu item for selecting a pathway for "libraries".

                  I clicked through and it would not let me through it said that i needed to chose a pathway for the libraries.

                  I then "went back" and chose "documents".

                  It then churned for a minute....and.....

                  POPPED FIREFOX!!! LOL WH

                  Firefox presented a page called: "brezblock" which was partly in Russian! ?? :0 ...LOL....but the text in the top of the page was in english and was about Russia threatening the Ukraine with text that seem to be sympathetic to the Ukrains.

                  I did not further pursue the app since;

                  It SEEMS to need, on this stock, Unity Ubu machine both the "normal" WINE and the Q4Wine.

         about an EASTER EGG!!! lol TRES KEWL if you purposely did that!

                  You are....da man!



                    Hummm strange ,,,,,,I had NO problems installing it (RenameStar) in WINE in 14.04 and 13.10 and it worked as expected .

                    I never got asked to point it to external library’s or open/use a mono box/terminal

                    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                    16GB RAM
                    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                      welll ya gotta remember it is the old woodsmokers kinda understandable! lol



                        Hey it works! After I figured out....duuuhhhh that I had to actually..... choose a file! lol

                        GOOD job...

                        I started it from the "regular wine" in the menu system, not the Q4wine.


