Back in 2003 until about 2006 I ran a freeware website with some Windows programs. It was not GNU freeware. It was only freeware in the sense that you did not have to pay money for it. I actually called it "careware," the idea being that you paid for the software via doing some kind of good deed like volunteering in a soup kitchen or helping a kid (not your own child) with his homework.
My most popular program was a multiple file renamer named RenameStar. Today I wanted to see if it would run under WINE and it does. All the important stuff work. The help system doesn't work (though it might if you install the old Win 95 help system).
I wrote the application in Microsoft Visual BASIC 6, which is now an obsolete language. When Microsoft switched to Visual BASIC.NET I did not go with them. The new language would break all my code. Plus, I didn't like a lot of things they did with it. I switched to REALbasic, though I never rewrote RenameStar in that. At one point I got heavy into photography and got away from programming.
Now I'm learning C++, which is a lot different from VB (and harder in some ways), but offers a lot of advantages over VB, one of which is it can compile not just for Windows, but also for Linux and Mac. I'm considering rewriting RenameStar in C++ and compiling it for Linux. I'm curious if others would be interested in seeing this done. I would likely make it GNU this time around. There are other multiple file renamers for Linux with good features, though none of the approach it in the same way that I did with RS.
Here are some screen shots. I'm also going to see if a zip file that includes the setup and instructions will attach here. I no longer have my web page. If that doesn't work, I'll see about a download link. It's me. There ain't no viruses, but you can scan it if you want.

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I couldn't get it to attach, but I used We Transfer to make a download link. It should stay up for something like 10 days, I think, but if you can't get it and want it, let me know. Here's the download link:
My most popular program was a multiple file renamer named RenameStar. Today I wanted to see if it would run under WINE and it does. All the important stuff work. The help system doesn't work (though it might if you install the old Win 95 help system).
I wrote the application in Microsoft Visual BASIC 6, which is now an obsolete language. When Microsoft switched to Visual BASIC.NET I did not go with them. The new language would break all my code. Plus, I didn't like a lot of things they did with it. I switched to REALbasic, though I never rewrote RenameStar in that. At one point I got heavy into photography and got away from programming.
Now I'm learning C++, which is a lot different from VB (and harder in some ways), but offers a lot of advantages over VB, one of which is it can compile not just for Windows, but also for Linux and Mac. I'm considering rewriting RenameStar in C++ and compiling it for Linux. I'm curious if others would be interested in seeing this done. I would likely make it GNU this time around. There are other multiple file renamers for Linux with good features, though none of the approach it in the same way that I did with RS.
Here are some screen shots. I'm also going to see if a zip file that includes the setup and instructions will attach here. I no longer have my web page. If that doesn't work, I'll see about a download link. It's me. There ain't no viruses, but you can scan it if you want.

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I couldn't get it to attach, but I used We Transfer to make a download link. It should stay up for something like 10 days, I think, but if you can't get it and want it, let me know. Here's the download link: