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Installed Skype

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    Installed Skype

    While this latest version is not in the repositories, I decided to download and install this version from here. It is still a 32b package and it is built for precise. I had to remove skype and skype-bin before installing this new version. You will find more details here as well as a link to download skype from the previous location above. I have done preliminary testing and all is well. I hope to give it a good test tonight and if you do not hear anything from me, you will know that I have not had any problems with this version.
    Last edited by NoWorries; Jun 19, 2014, 11:27 PM.

    After using this new version, I am very pleased with its performance and the improved interface. It retains the characteristics of the previous version with the menus now at the top of the window as shown below. From looking at KSysGuard, I got the impression that it now uses less processing power.

    The call pop-up and also the pop-up for a user going online or offline looks more visually appealing to me. One unexpected addition was a small window at the top right of the screen showing who the caller is and the duration of the call. This is shown in the attached graphic with the contact blurred.
    Attached Files


      I've been using 4.3 since it came out, and I've noticed that if I get a call (single or group) and do not pickup, the call notice box stays up and I cannot connect. I have to kill skype.

      If I pick up the call right off (within 10 seconds?) it works well. So something is kicking in at some point, I assume a "hang up, he's not answering" function, that prevents me from accepting the call after a long delay. I've not done much testing, just noticed it because I cannot separate my notification (ringing) sound from my communication sound like I used to be able to (well, under Mint 16 and Skype 4.2).

      I'm still at a loss for having the ring on my external speakers while keeping mic and comm-audio on my USB headset. I've set Settings->Multimedia->Audio and Video Settings properly for Audio Playback (all using "Build-in" except Communications is using "Audio Adapter") and Audio Recording (all using "Audio Adapter"), but it does not seem to do it. Since Skype's internal options just say "PulseAudio server (local)" and nothing else, I cannot do it via Skype.

      As it is, the ringing and other notifications are all through the usb headset, and communication is fine through it.

      Ironically, as the original post seems to bemoan the fact that the penguin isn't getting the interface love that win/mac/phone gets, my windows skype users are all jealous of my older, simpler and more useful interface. Not a lot of Skype users (especially on a computer) like the "smartphone look" that they have now.

      I also cannot seem to stop Skype from starting with the OS. I once checked the box at the login to start automatically, but then I logged out, unchecked it, logged back in and it still starts at system log in.

      Just some small quirks.
      i7-4770k / 16GB RAM / nVidia GTX760 / other stuff
      main OS: Kubuntu 14.04.1 LTS + SteamOS 1.0 (beta) + Windows 8.1 Pro (collecting dust)


        Originally posted by myrkat View Post
        I'm still at a loss for having the ring on my external speakers while keeping mic and comm-audio on my USB headset. I've set Settings->Multimedia->Audio and Video Settings properly for Audio Playback (all using "Build-in" except Communications is using "Audio Adapter") and Audio Recording (all using "Audio Adapter"), but it does not seem to do it. Since Skype's internal options just say "PulseAudio server (local)" and nothing else, I cannot do it via Skype.

        As it is, the ringing and other notifications are all through the usb headset, and communication is fine through it.
        I do not have a usb headset but I do have usb speakers that I sometimes use. I connected these to see what Skype would do. I used System Settings > Multimedia > Audio and Video Settings. On Audio Playback, I set the usb speakers to be preferred and used the Apply Device List To... to make sure that all in the Audio Playback had the same settings. This change resulted in the sound coming from the usb speaker. When I unplugged the usb speaker and restarted Skype it then automatically used the Built-in Audio.

        On the issue of not being present to answer a call, I have not been in that situation. The only problem that I have encountered is of my own making, when I have the screen capture selected for a current call and I get another call. I have also not yet tried to share my screen as I know that the previous version did not work very well in this area.

        Originally posted by myrkat View Post
        I also cannot seem to stop Skype from starting with the OS. I once checked the box at the login to start automatically, but then I logged out, unchecked it, logged back in and it still starts at system log in.
        When I am finished with Skype, I use the Quit option to exit it. I then do not have Skype starting with the OS. It only starts when I choose to launch it.

